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What do you think of the future plans this year for DayzSA?

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I am new here, ive never played the mod but decided to get Dayz standalone and be part of the community while the game is being built. What do you guys think of the plans to take this game to the more survival end of the spectrum as opposed to the death match end of it? "Hunting and camping will both be making their DayZ Standalone debut this year as well, assuming everything goes according to Bohemia Interactive's plan, and the team is also looking to introduce more rudimentary weapons like throwing knives and hunting bows too. Once these sorts of weapons have been added to the game, Hall says Bohemia Interactive will also begin to scale back the number of military-class weapons that spawn in Chernarus.

Base building and an improved stamina system are also on the horizon for DayZ Standalone, though Hall warned that both will be gradual releases instead of single update deliveries. A number of factors will influence a player's stamina, including hunger, thirst and illness, and the DayZ creator says the team at Bohemia Interactive is looking at ways to incorporate a weight system into the game as well. As for base building, Hall said he and the team want players to be able to leave their own mark on Chernarus; however, adding those systems will be a slow-going process that will begin with the introduction of barricades." Personally I would like to see a lot less M4's and AK's and other military grade items and a lot more double barrel shotguns and maybe a little .22 short revolver and if you want the military items there should be a common spawn for them at the NW airfield but make it hell on earth with so many zombies you'll be lucky to just make it out alive. Opinions? 

Edited by SxeDave

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I'm looking forward to their progress. Bugs and glitches will be predictable growing pains of an evolving Alpha, but it won't deter me from playing.

I agree...if they scale back military weapons or reserve them for only a few select areas then they should make it difficult to enter and exit those areas because of zombies.

I, too, would like to see more civilian weapons..and they're coming. I'm just enjoying the game while it evolves.

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