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Easy_Tiger (DayZ)

Suggestion for the process of dropping the kids off at the pool :D

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I hope taking a dump follows this timeline :D


1. "Your bowels start to rumble"

2. "You really need to empty your bowels"


If you dont take a dump and ignore the warnings....


3. "Your underwear feels heavy"

4. "You feel something warm running down your leg"


Resulting in whatever trousers you are wearing become damp and ruined :P

Edited by Easy_Tiger
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Then well need underwear added to loot.

I suggest boxer briefs

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Just what we need. Firefight breaks out in Elektro, my guys are trapped in a building.


"Your underwear feels heavy"



People get pissed off because you just shit yourself and throw you out of the house.


Black Screen: "You are dead"

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