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The devils labrenth

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Ok ... first off ... ROCKET .... THANK YOU ... this is the game i have been waiting for .. for god know how many year.

But i was at work today and had a thought .

What about a massive , say , underground laberinth , filled with hidden corridoors and completly mad amounts of zombies.

With the intent that the further you make it the better the loot you find ... and i dont just mean like a single surviver being able to complete it . So difficult that even the guy with all the best topside loot wouldnt try by him/her self ... something that you and your couple of new surviver buddies can atempt . Let alone the fact of actually getting there would be dearing as bandits would flock to the area for free kills . I put it to you this way ... think about the movie , Resident evil . and the massive undergroud complex of the umbrella corp just to give you an idea.

I enforce the idea though that it not being somewhere you can just go for a stroll through find some great loot . I mean that the likely hood of you actually coming out alive ... is 1 in a 100 , with the end loot being something like a Helo that all you and ya buddies can get on and then have to fly it out some tunnel thats just wide enough.

The thought of this came about while i was wondering what to do in the world of dayz .. i have nice gear and can survive but i would like something to do while surviving .. i for one love the idea that if this complex was made that i would have to think long and hard weather it was worth losing all the gear i had on a whym . ( knowing full well i would ,, it is just a game after all) but it would give me something to strive for ... ebery time i respawned ... not to just survive .. but to take on the Zeds at the heart of the infection .. ( possible lore and history of where the infection came from sorta thing)

Well i think you get the idea i know that it would be a massive envolvment to do something of this magnitude but a idea must start somewhere .

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I can definitely understand where you're coming from with some potential "hidden weapon testing facility" or some such thing underneath one of the cities. But for me personally I just feel it would kill a large sense of the immersion and come across as campy rather than awesome.

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I agree there is the possiblity that it would lose some immersion . But if for instance you were to put the entrance to the complex inside a building in the middle of a small town or something of the sorts. I think it might add to it too . Id like to see it as a place for groups of survivers to go to atempt to take surviving to the next level . To tempt fate and put their weeks of surviving in the wilderness to the test.

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