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Cheating on Seattle 71

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The following players were at the least teleporting and using some sort of way to track all other players on the server.

Unicorn Princess

November Sierra


PopChild(logged off, changed his name to Child, and reconnected)

I was driving a bus, and they teleported right in front of me and unloaded through the windshield. They were doing the same to several other players and vehicles on the server.

Also, in a major conflict on the server between the hackers and a group of players, November Sierra was killed in the NorthWest portion of the map. He was back to the fight location with new weapons within 5 minutes.

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Killed three of them myself only to have them respawn behind me within five minutes fully geared out.

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Confirming these people were spawning in cars with a full kit within moments of them getting killed.

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Saw this happening while I was on there; they were spawning at or teleporting to people repeatedly, so that even if you escaped in a car they'd just be in front of you again a minute later.

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Registered to confirm this as it's my first time having seen hacking. Luckily logged out right as they spawned in front of me with high end weapons and gear.

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I was driving in a convoy, with myself in a V3S, the OP who was in a bus, and someone else in a Hilux. We were navigating through the wreckage through a town, and had to go slowly to not wreck the vehicles. There was nobody around, and then the first time 4 of them spawned right beside a car fully kitted out with m107's and l85s and went all out on us, and they got the hilux the first time, and then when we were going through another town it happened again to the driver of the bus. I managed to stick to highways where I could go fast enough to make it so if they spawned again I could have enough velocity to maybe escape. Thankfully I made it a good way off, and grabbed what loot I could from the V3S and logged off. They were still on the server, presumably fucking with other players or clearing out my vehicle.

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I can confirm this. Their red car teleported behind me and ran me over.

Please note I was on the south east Skal Island. There is no way in hell they got a red car on there without hacks, let alone stealthily.


23:06:41 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (27d0faf1c0ab1b0256f628a15912340d) of player #16 Unicorn Princess

23:06:13 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (413e2a075641db32bf876a75a1978b28) of player #9 November Sierra

23:42:34 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (de6903102934c1f7a3bbca814e6b00e6) of player #8 ARSENAL

23:06:53 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (0e3de8c56a4ebca6852789c395c3261c) of player #17 Polar Pop

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We have videos of our raids on your server, no we are not hacker we just stole your cars and followed you.


We're also gonna upload the rest of the videos of our raids against your server

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The following players were at the least teleporting and using some sort of way to track all other players on the server.

Unicorn Princess

November Sierra


PopChild(logged off' date=' changed his name to Child, and reconnected)

I was driving a bus, and they teleported right in front of me and unloaded through the windshield. They were doing the same to several other players and vehicles on the server.

Also, in a major conflict on the server between the hackers and a group of players, November Sierra was killed in the NorthWest portion of the map. He was back to the fight location with new weapons within 5 minutes.


Gonna post videos of the raid. As you will soon see, we did not server hop. Though, your crew did.

Thank god for fraps. Need a few min to compile and upload.

The video in this thread should be enough; but i'll post how we chased you down and didn't teleport after we took out your helix... It totally defeats the lies in your original post. As to how we knew your location, you have a mole.

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Gonna post videos of the raids. As you will soon see' date=' we did not server hop. Though, your crew did.

Thank god for fraps. Need a few min to compile and upload.



You guys can't even keep your story straight.

Quote in case he goes back and edits:

We knew where your camp was we server hopped right next to it and launched our assault. We regrouped and rearmed on our server when we went down. We eventually had to regroup after you server hopped behind us and killed us.

The only time we left the server was when we gave up on evading your teleport hack (after you repeatedly spawned in front of our fleeing cars), and we didn't come back after that.

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Gonna post videos of the raids. As you will soon see' date=' we did not server hop. Though, your crew did.

Thank god for fraps. Need a few min to compile and upload.



You guys can't even keep your story straight.

We only hopped for the initial raid. As well as hopping back on AFTER we died.

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The following players were at the least teleporting and using some sort of way to track all other players on the server.

Unicorn Princess

November Sierra


PopChild(logged off' date=' changed his name to Child, and reconnected)

I was driving a bus, and they teleported right in front of me and unloaded through the windshield. They were doing the same to several other players and vehicles on the server.

Also, in a major conflict on the server between the hackers and a group of players, November Sierra was killed in the NorthWest portion of the map. He was back to the fight location with new weapons within 5 minutes.


Gonna post videos of the raid. As you will soon see, we did not server hop. Though, your crew did.

Thank god for fraps. Need a few min to compile and upload.

The video in this thread should be enough; but i'll post how we chased you down and didn't teleport after we took out your helix... It totally defeats the lies in your original post. As to how we knew your location, you have a mole.

"we did not server hop"

"we did not server hop"

"we did not server hop"


holy shit can you try keep your bullshit story straight. "we didn't hop! only that one time and all the other times. We also didn't hack just like we didn't server hop...guys trust us"

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Seems legit to me. Unban these trustworthy dudes now or risk having Seattle 71 forever branded as being full of "butthurt". You've been warned.

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Is that the only thing you have going for your story after we have multiple videos of us following you?

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Once the uncut vids are posted' date=' in about an hour, all will be clear.

Boy, you guys sure are mad.


yeah "uncut" I bet we can trust you.

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Once the uncut vids are posted' date=' in about an hour, all will be clear.

Boy, you guys sure are mad.


Not taking any side here, and have followed the convo on 2 topics.

Why is it some freeze moments in the long video where you guys chase the bus and pop a tire on your pickup?

Voices keeps going but the video freeze, to later jump "a bit?" forward.

So far its the only issue I have. Besides the mute, feels fishy ; )

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I have been following this, and watched all 3 videos, I must say the first 2 videos were intense and opened my eyes. The bus one confused me a bit only because of the start of the video and where the vehicles came from.

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We have had time to watch the videos you posted and have a short report:

First video:

  • Of course the really obviously suspicious as fuck fact that the audio cuts out for no reason pretty frequently (so you can't hear them talking specifics about hacks, most likely)
  • At least Unicorn Princess has one of the supposedly illegal L85's with a thermal scope before they even attack.
  • At 0:48, One of the other random people on comms says "nigger bagel". Don't think they mentioned his name, though. Racism~
  • At 1:55, camera guy looks to his right and his ghillie suit buddy has switched from a HMG of some sort to a supposedly illegal L85 w/thermal. This is still before they attack.
  • The guy calling out spots on an incoming van is the same guy freaking out over the gear in the Ural and probably can't see over the hill from where he is.
  • At 6:00, one of them starts asking "who's Digsby Tamborine?", when, of course, name tags are off and he shouldn't be able to tell what anybody's name is as far as I know.
  • At 6:14, you can see another guy on the right side of the screen with a supposedly illegal L85 w/thermal scope in civilian clothes.
  • At 6:28, camera guy zooms in on one of his buddies and you can see he's holding a supposedly illegal M107 w/thermal scope.
  • At 6:34, another guy (in ghillie suit this time) holding a supposedly illegal L85 w/thermal.
  • At 6:41, Unicorn Princess, our intrepid cameraman, says "I fuckin' tagged that nigger". More racism~
  • At 7:02, one of them says "They're coming from the south", but you can clearly see that they can't see over the hill from where they are (I'm assuming they're looking south, but honestly, you can't see anything in any direction).
  • At 7:38, "We got a bunch incoming", and he goes on about it's a whole clan, but again, can't see shit from where they are, and certainly can't see tags to tell that they're from a clan (but it would be pretty obvious it was a group working together if you could see through the hill or had some other means to see guys coming).
  • At 8:07, The dumbass, squeaky 8 year old kid starts shooting, gets yelled at that there's nothing there. Squeaky responds that he's ranged for 1600m. Slightly less retarded guy informs him there's a hill in the way. This implies both that the guys spotting for them can somehow see through the terrain and specifically that squeaky is too stupid to realize his wallhack is showing him guys on the other side of a hill. I wonder what that short dead spot in the audio immediately afterward is all about, don't you? (hint: somebody is probably telling him to turn off his wallhack)
  • At 9:24, worrying about you guys having hacks isn't really something most people who aren't hackers immediately think about when going into a possible engagement.

First video, camera guy has 31 zombies killed, a good backpack and an L85 w/thermal. Second video he has 0 zombies killed, the same good backpack and an L85 w/thermal again. Clearly he died at some point. I don't know what the timeline is between the two videos, but probably not enough time for him to link up with his group again to continue the chase, even assuming he just picked up whatever he lost from his corpse (which I couldn't do in time before it disappeared the same day this happened, despite spawning in the same city I died). Implies teleport hack and/or possibly duping.

Second Video (Derp, this is the "More footage" video as it was listed on the reddit post:

  • At 2:03, one of them says "they're stopping" despite not being able to actually see the position the bus is at when they finally get there. Followed by another bit of dead air, of course.
  • It seems like camera guy is also trying to be careful about not looking in the direction the bus is in.
  • At 9:55 He says kitkat is still there how dose he know who that is or who was there (they were in a private channel at the time)?

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I have been following this' date=' and watched all 3 videos, I must say the first 2 videos were intense and opened my eyes. The bus one confused me a bit only because of the start of the video and where the vehicles came from.




The entire vindicating raid. You can clearly see we did not do anything inappropriate. Also note: it proves that they are liars. See video description for additional details.


This raid took place after the raid in the plains, and was in progress. Our rides had been stolen from the opfor. The video starts right after we killed the drivers of the white pick-up. Unfortunately, I did not capture the entire raid, which is why it seems disjointed.

Anyhow, the first video destroys their claim that we cheated in our initial raid in any manner, and the 3rd video with the wagon completely refutes their entire argument of us, cheating, teleporting, server hoping, spawning cars, or as the OP said "popping in front of him with a car and shooting him thru is windshield...". Unfortunately, I didn't have the foresight of recording the entire video three raid.

All uncut of it uncut.

Long and short:

No cheats. No teleporting. No jumping from server to server. No hacked weapons. While the opposition enjoyed and did all of the above.

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I have been following this' date=' and watched all 3 videos, I must say the first 2 videos were intense and opened my eyes. The bus one confused me a bit only because of the start of the video and where the vehicles came from.




The entire vindicating raid. You can clearly see we did not do anything inappropriate. Also note: it proves that they are liars. See video description for additional details.


Links not working :| Would be interesting to see wich side is correct, sadly if both sides are wrong and no hacks was used, ; ) embarrasing.

Question about the sudden stops in the video but sound continuing perfect. and video suddenly jumps forward. how come?

Second question,

Those 3 videos are the same raid right?

How come zombiekills and headhots is reduced to 0, but the murder is +1 from video to video?

Same loot and so on thou, same person.

During the empty fieldfights first 2 videos, id bet its the mole that gives location during silence, hence why you know the almost exact spot.

This is just a prior to the possibility for the previouse typer PolishPig, not saying how it is thou.

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As a third party to this whole thing I find it hilarious. You guys included edited videos as evidence that you aren't hacking but as PolishPig points out, the video shows fishy behavior, conversations and other misc. points of interest.

You got banned for hacking, stop trying to use Seattle 71 as a scapegoat.

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Pretty convenient that this video here

starts about 5 seconds after you teleported in around the UAZ(red). Why don't you show us what happened in between the first raid and the vehicle spawn in and chase? They were not more then 10 minutes apart.

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Video stopping could be due to youtube. I didn't see anything wrong.

I did rewatch the very first movie in the other topic and noticed both sides had a M107 TWS and no, the explanation that it was a leftover from before they took it away is NOT credible.

BTW: there's something wrong with the logic of this topic. One group accuses another of hacking. It's up to them to proof that that group is actually hacking. It's not up to the other group to proof their innosence.

Which they are trying so that makes me believe them + the fact that they made the first topic and the other group made this one afterwards so this kinda looks like slander. Where is the proof that they were hacking? There's like 6 people or so in your group and if they were realy that obviously hacking, teleporting etc, it cannot be that hard to proof?

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