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A story from a guide.

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A few days ago I lost my character and I spawned around Electro which I looted. I found the normal stuff and a pistol with one magazine.

I heard m4 shots around the shop a few minutes earlier. I drank at the well next to the church and I ran towards Cherno a bit land inwards.

Suddenly I hear a guy shout at me. 'Hey! Stop!' (not in an aggressive way or something) A bit surprised I stopped and turned around.

I saw an unarmed guy coming up to me. I relaxed a little bit. Suddenly I see a guy with a mosin behind him. shit!

'Hey, can you help u..?' At that moment I started puking because I drank too much. Perfect moment I guess. I said: 'ooh.. I'm sorry, I'm sick this is embarrassing..'


I asked them where I could help them with. One of them said his friend was shot in the face and lost a lot of blood. They had a med-kit but they didn't know how to use it. I had to inform them that the med-kit itself wouldn't help them. But that they need a salinbag. One of them responded a bit disappointed. 'Oh..' I said: 'We can go look for a hospital I guess..' They agreed and we went on our way to Cherno.


I volunteered as zombie killer. On our way I explained the controls a little bit more and gave them tips about the game in general. When I finally saw the first apartment in Cherno I ran a little bit more uphill to give them a better first impression of the city. We came onto the clearing and I said. 'And this... Is Cherno..' They really said: 'Woow!' (really impressed). We went into the town and we found a salinbag. We found 2 guys shooting from a big apartment. I was hoping I could take them out but we had only 7 bullets. I shot 5 times at them.. Don't know if I hit them and they weren't to be seen after my shots. I only had the pistol and 2 mosin bullets left. I assumed they were going down the building and approach us so we retreated north.


I was planning to go to Green Mountain and educate them on the dangers of that place. So when we saw the tower I said them to sit down in a field under a tree. I told them a few of the horrifying stories and told them they should never go there and never talk about it.


We passed Green Mountain and went to Zelenegorsk to loot a bit more. I told them it was the city where all the rich people had their holiday homes. At that moment a zombie came at us and I said, oh there is one of the former inhabitants. After we looted the barracks I told them I had to leave them.


It was a nice run! And I'm really happy I could give some new inhabitants of Chernarous the info and boost they needed to get started. I hope more of you do that and help new players to get a great experience. Cheers!


tl;dr Gave 2 new players a new tour through chernarous. explained them the controls, gave them tips. Told them the horrors of green mountain and gave them overall a great first experience.


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