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Game hangs when trying to find a server.

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Before I get generic responses from people who want to +1 their postcount: yes I verified the files through steam, and yes I deleted the profile folders. Haven't tried to reinstall the game from scratch but if all verified I doubt that'd help.



So anyways this is what happens:


Game starts, I get the normal Bohemia and DAYZ splash screens, as well the warning that game is an Alpha and I shouldn't expect much, game loads into the main menu. Now clicking play or change server returns no servers, trying to cancel or switch the tab in the server browser hangs the game, and when I say hangs I mean hangs, the game becomes completely unresponsive, it cannot be even turned off by any means I tried (ending process in tast manager doesn't help, neither does doing the same via the command prompt and few other programs supposedly meant to kill such problematic programs fail as well, only way to fix that is to restart the entire computer).




Apparently it was an issue with the firewall, ESET Smart Security for some reason conflicts with the game, however the game still needs a better error handler for when it cannot connect to a server. No program should ever under any circumstance hang so hard you need to reset the computer.

Edited by NexDemise

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I too am having this exact same issue, it's definitely related to Eset, I'm using verison Smart Security 7.0.302.26 I have friends using version 6 and they are not having these issues. Disabling the firewall aspect fixes the issue but this is not an acceptable workaround for me.

When it crashes it crashes my whole windows session and does not allow the task to be killed via task manager or command prompt. Closing the Steam client does not help as it waits to close Dayz the the and end now button is not available, killing the Steam client does noo help either.

I'm going to do some more tests then report back.

Oh, my rig:

Windows 8.1
Intel i7-3770K CPU
16GB DDR3 Mushkin RAM
Nvdia Geforce GTX 660, 2GB

Edited by RetroFlux

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Sorry i though you said Gang hangs. ?


Make sure you disable HIPS

Edited by Smiley_ie

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Sorry i though you said Gang hangs. ?


Make sure you disable HIPS


  • Not really an acceptable soultion, it's akin to disabling the firewall.
  • Doesn't work anyway (well, didn't for me).

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OK, I pulled some logs from Eset and amongst the allowed traffic I found some entries showing blocked incoming and outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests against svchost.exe. I don't have UPNP enabled on my router so I switched it on but this made no difference, still getting the crashes.

The SSDP (UPNP) rule against svchost.exe appears to be a default rule so I created new rule allowing inoming and outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost, the logs no longer show traffic being blocekd for SSDP (UPNP) requests but I still get the same crashes. Even if this had of worked it's not a good rule from a security point of view as svchost is used for loads of processes and, although I had tied this rule to a new profile I created called 'DayZ' I couldn't quite work out how to get the profile to activate only when I fired up DayZ which meant this rule was on all the time.


Had enough of this for tonight, it feels too much like work where I do this kind of crap all day. Hopefully it will help someone else figure it out, if not I'll try looking into it again in the next couple of dayz days.

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OK, my friend upgraded from Eset v6 to v7 and had no problems, I got him to capture logs from when he connects and his logs were the same mine i.e. blocking the same things. Anyway I put my HIPS and firewall into learning mode, it prompted me once about a dayz.exe modification whichI allowed it and now it's all good. B)

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OK, my friend upgraded from Eset v6 to v7 and had no problems, I got him to capture logs from when he connects and his logs were the same mine i.e. blocking the same things. Anyway I put my HIPS and firewall into learning mode, it prompted me once about a dayz.exe modification whichI allowed it and now it's all good. B)

Hey RetroFlux.


I have the exact same problem and i did exactly as you did. But unfortunately it didn't give me any options once i enabled learning mode on HIPS. I already had my firewall in learning mode.

The game still crashes once i enter the server browser.


If however the firwall is completely disabled, it works.


Maybe you are able to help me since you're much more knowledeable on this front and there doesn't seem to be any documentation of this problem on the internet other than this thread.


If you wanna get in touch with me add me on steam:



thank you very much

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Hi Alterlai,


try this (these steps may differ slightly depending what version of Eset you have):


  • in the system tray, right click eset>advanced setup
  • expand network
  • expand persfonal firewall
  • click on rules and zones
  • under the zone and rule editor section click setup
  • under rule and zone setup sort by application and find any rules for DayZ and delete them
  • reboot then try run DayZ

Hopefully Eset will now prompt you about an allowing DayZ (you may have to alt+tab out of DayZ to see it) through the firewall. You may also get a prompt to allow an application modification (again, you may have to alt+tab out of DayZ to see it) if you do allow it and check the box to allow application modifications for DayZ automatically.

If you're still having trouble try uninstalling DayZ then remove the DayZ rules from Eset, reboot and then reinstall then and see if Eset prompts you.

If all that fails post back on here and I will try and help.

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Hi Alterlai,


try this (these steps may differ slightly depending what version of Eset you have):


  • in the system tray, right click eset>advanced setup
  • expand network
  • expand persfonal firewall
  • click on rules and zones
  • under the zone and rule editor section click setup
  • under rule and zone setup sort by application and find any rules for DayZ and delete them
  • reboot then try run DayZ

Hopefully Eset will now prompt you about an allowing DayZ (you may have to alt+tab out of DayZ to see it) through the firewall. You may also get a prompt to allow an application modification (again, you may have to alt+tab out of DayZ to see it) if you do allow it and check the box to allow application modifications for DayZ automatically.

If you're still having trouble try uninstalling DayZ then remove the DayZ rules from Eset, reboot and then reinstall then and see if Eset prompts you.

If all that fails post back on here and I will try and help.

Wow you are my saviour.

Thank you so much dude!

And the fast response :O Have my beans

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Wow you are my saviour.

Thank you so much dude!

And the fast response :o Have my beans

  You're welcome :)

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