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Get Lost Characters Back Glitch??

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Hey everybody, I've back with another odd thing that's happened to me while playing DayZ.  A while back when we had the last server update, I lost a character I had that was fully geared and ready to kick some bandit ass. But when the previous came out, I lost my character.  Then the most recent update caused me to spawn in as that character again! I left the server, logged back in, and sure enough I was a fresh spawn again.  I repeated the process, and taa daa! I'm back to my fully geared ass kicking machine. No idea what was going on, but I happened to be recording it at the time, so I decided to post it for anybody that would like to see what was going on for themselves.

Has anyone else had this "problem" before?


Edited by aleination
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+ 1 ... just spent 5 hours after the hive maintenence at 12:00 - 24/01/2014. to take a short break ( 10 mins ) to respawn as a Bambi without any items.


Multiplay servers & your hive just dont work !!   please help 

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Yes I had the same problem, it worked itself out by server hopping until the hive "found" it again

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Same thing happened to me :( had some really cool black/blue outfit after about 5 hours too. Log out for a snack. Come back and I'm some fresh pauper on the coast...

Edited by Souli

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