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Interactive Chernarus Map

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Hey everyone, I think now I'm ready to share something that a friend and I have been working for the past few days.



The goal of the map isn't necessarily to point out where to get amazing loot, but rather to help you get your bearings and maybe tell your friend where you are in relation to landmarks.

At least, that was the goal when I was putting this together for myself and some friends. Adding detailed loot spawn information kind of spoils the adventure in the game. It turns the game from an exciting apocalypse simulator into a statistical drop rate simulator.

We know that there are quite a few maps out there already. So while building this one, we considered what the other maps offered and chose to do things a bit differently:

  • Dynamic text labels for towns (easily visible from all zoom levels)
  • An easy to use correction system so the map is constantly evolving and improving based on user feedback and mass knowledge
  • Extra, non-typical map markers (important buildings, mountains, colloquial names, etc.)
  • Combining key points on one map, so there's no need to have a vehicle spawn map and a deer stand map open in separate tabs, for example
  • Mobile friendly (works great on a tablet)
  • Cyrillic text toggles
  • A dynamic distance scale
  • A permalink feature that enables you to share the map view with your friends (including zoom, lat, and lng) !
  • Instant search of cities and landmarks, both Cyrillic and Latin characters

And in the coming days, the hope is to add a few more features:

  • Point-to-point distance estimator (example: how many km is it to run from Balota to Novy Sobor, and how long will it take to run there?)
  • A player spawn location layer
  • Live mouse coordinate tracking
  • A direct DayZHQ map to in-game map coordinate translation (first I need to get my hands on a map in the game...)
  • Your own markers, and the ability to share them with friends
  • A 1km grid overlay
  • Improved interface and usability
  • Coordinate search
  • More building and vehicle types!
  • Integration with the wiki
  • Settings (layer toggles/view options/map position) saved for you

But in the mean time, if anyone feels like contributing it's as easy as right clicking on the map. Adding new markers is extremely trivial since the map is powered by a MySQL database and a neat little back-end interface. It's just a matter of sorting through corrections and verifying their validity. Let's make this the most verbose DayZ map out there!

Please remember that it's a work in progress. We (Trigve and I) would absolutely love to hear any suggestions! Hope you guys find it useful!

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Fantikerz, great work on the map and the back end, I've actually been using it for a couple days already (combined with a different loot-based map) and it works well. The only thing I would recommend is that the markers be changed somewhat. It may be a personal thing, but I have a somewhat hard time differentiating markers from the map itself. I'd say add more contrast via the background outline, or potentially change the graphics altogether (they seem a bit Farmville-esque for a Zombie horror game).

It's a great map though, I love the searching and the way the icons light up (dimly :P ) when you hover over them on the key.

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I've been playing with the marker backgrounds and recently changed back to the white for the sake of aesthetics. But I agree they could do with more contrast, so I'll tweak some things to make them darker and stand out. :)

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Thank you!

Yep I'm having some issues optimizing everything for Firefox right now. I think it's all of the alpha transparency being used on the 300+ markers. Trying to fix it asap since about a third of the users run Firefox. Webkit browsers like Chrome are silky smooth though.

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Thanks for all of the corrections guys. I'm still in the process of sorting through all of them and adding them to the map since there are so many and I can't stop watching how I met your mother (or so Fantikerz seems to think)

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Awesome, I think I've just found my new map :D

BTW, there is an enterable church in Pustoshka that you are missing. I would right click to add it myself but I don't want to have to go through the trouble of making a new email or using a fake one (no offense, I just don't like putting any of my emails out there unless absolutely necessary) ;]

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This is ok, but I've been just fine with: http://dayzdb.com/map

If you are gonna continue with this map though, might as well use the above mentioned map to populate yours.

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using a fake one

We had several suggestions explaining where supposed cough "African" people were hiding from the fake coolguy@aol.com' date=' and while I don't suggest using that one (as I've marked the addy as spam) you could use sage@sage.com and I'll know not to reply with a thank you message.

include spawns

We plan on implementing this within the next few days (hopefully hours) as soon as Fantikerz finishes eating his ice cream (or coding CSS, not sure what he's really doing).

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No one ever acknowledges the worker bees, only the queen. ='(

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AWESOME!! But don't add player spawn points imo. Could be used negatively to kill players.

I think I'll finally find a damn bike XD I've had it with running lol

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Yep it was down for a couple hours. Somehow the server's disk I/O spiked (maybe a process crashed?). Anyway, it's back up now!

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works great, only request is if you can find a higher quality image to use as the base definition.

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