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Now I know how it feels to be on the receiving end (almost)

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So after 2 weeks without a single death and killing multiple players throughout my time, tonight I finally came on the receiving end of some lead. I was at balota scouting the airfield for potential targets and decided to wait a good 15 minutes to see if anyone showed up. I got a bit bored and decided to head to Elektro and as I exited the control tower, shots rang out, an M4 and a Mosin, the bullets where whizing past my head, hitting the ground below my feet like you see in the movie and I somehow manage to evade every bullet and duck inside a bush.



I take a few minutes to make sure my heart is still inside my chest and begin to try and get a visual on where I'm being shot from. I see the mosin sniper in the hill proned down waiting for me to peak and I know the M4 will be coming in close. I decide to bait the mosin sniper and he misses his shot and on the reload I scramble for the back of the hanger. About 30 seconds later I see the M4 guy walk right past me, he must have been about 2ft infront of me as I cower in the bush. So I take the shot, assassin style and luckily I can loot his body while inside the bush so the mosin sniper has no idea where I am lol.


I figured if he knew I was in the bush he would have shot me by now so I sat and waited for the mosin guy to either give up or come to loot his friend. Then I see him, out the corner of my eye sneaking around my left side all the while maintaining a low profile. Again I peak from the bush and it's a straight forward kill, I grab the spoils and I'm away on my toes.


This game is fucking great!

Edited by Euler
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