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M4 in construction site

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So just started after the update and spawned near the construction site in berez.  First thing i found in there was an M4.  Anyone else find anything interesting there??

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I've noticed weapons spawning in new places, I saw a double barrel shotgun in the TEC buildings (office buildings) and a Mosin in a new spot also.

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I've found mags and ammo in construction sites many times, figured there was a slim chance of a firearm but never scored one. Schools have always spawned firearms/ammo/attachments, top floor room and on the roof. All prior to the update btw.

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There was always a first floor corner where military style loot spawned, like M4 mags and ammo etc.  Never say an M4 though!  Any chance someone dropped it maybe?

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I have found every weapon but a shotgun (haven't been there much since patch) in that corner multiple times, also mags up to 30 there and around the building, once a 45 mag, every kind of amunition, an amunition box (roof) as well as canteens every weapon atachment up to PU scope, fire axes, hunting backpacks and every kind of food also bottom floor in the center can spawn can openers. The long buildings out behind it that look like a fair ground, found a mosin in the two smaller ones twice also fire axes, and the other one is great for clothing as a fresh spawn


If you get lucky its one stop shoping for a new charecter But Ive also been ghosted by a server hopper there with a buddy of mine, so I don't go back once I have basic gear.


Also because its so close to several spawn points chances are it will have been looted before you get there, you can still normaly get a backpack.

Edited by Franchi

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Yeah i've found M4 at the factory / construction site a few times also check all the ledges run along it with tab m4 clips and all ammo spawns on the ledges but sometimes it's in the wall so you can't see it ;)

Edited by twingunz

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