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Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

System Settings (Can i get an accurate answer)

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Alright, this is simple... i know System specs are on the Steam page but they mean jack to me at the moment, my main concern is consistency in performance.

Now i like to stream and record alot which for 99% of games on my system is no issue at all. However DayZ is that 1%. Before i get the bleating herd of "It's Alphar" listen up.... 


I run an [email protected], 8GB of DDR3 @ 7-7-7-24 1600Mhz and use a GTX 660 2GB card. 


I start up DayZ on ultra settings, everything is shiny and bright and it runs well at about 50fps... however this will drop and peak continually all session unlike Arma 3 that holds at about 38fps after is settles (on Altis) and never normally sways from that. 

The drops don't happen when im streaming or recording or when i start either, instead it just happens totally randomly. I understand this isn't optimized yet however can i get an idea what settings i should be on ideally for a setup like mine. 


To be honest i'd rather ask than a 10 poster... i'm less likely to get the "goto hell NooB" chants. but this is a genuine suggestion. I'd like to know what to run this game at to maximize my use out of it. 

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try lowering from ultra to high or there are some fps enhancing guids out there try some of those fixes

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try lowering from ultra to high or there are some fps enhancing guids out there try some of those fixes


done that, tried every damn setting, still fluctuates. 


I have used every trick in the book that Bohemia has for enhancing performance and getting the most out of what i have. My problem is i don't have a clear guideline to what my OPTIMUM settings should be.


I never have these issues with ARMA 3 which in my eyes is a hell of a bigger game! 

Edited by Derpy_Hooves

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