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Aiming down sight while breathing heavy

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Not sure if this was happening before the latest patch, but when I aim down sight after running/jogging and getting out of breath (you hear you character huffin' and puffin') each hard breath I take will move my gun/aim - even while holding down rmb. As my breathing slows down to normal, my sights become increasingly more stable until I am at normal breathing (no huffin' and puffin') and can hold a steady aim.

Has anyone else noticed this? I've only tested with an M4/ACOG and Magnum. I think it is a very realistic aspect and was wondering if this is a new addition to mechanics, or if I just never noticed after 100+ hours of playtime.

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Hi Stolenbanjos,


Go into your key assignments. There is a setting in their that binds the right click with holding your breath.


Just simply remove the hold breath bind and you're good to go.


Hope this helps, if it doesn't add me on steam // kimosabi19 and i'll go through it with you.



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Hi Stolenbanjos,


Go into your key assignments. There is a setting in their that binds the right click with holding your breath.


Just simply remove the hold breath bind and you're good to go.


Hope this helps, if it doesn't add me on steam // kimosabi19 and i'll go through it with you.



Hey Kimo, so you are saying if I unbind the "hold breath" key I always have a rock steady aim, even when out of breath?

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no he isn't


default controls for looking down the sights also hold your breath if you keep the right mouse button down, this will make you out of breath and gasp a lung full here and there.... shaking your aim

Edited by ani

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Gotcha, so this ^...AND if you are already out of breath from running/jogging, you just have to wait until you get back to normal breathing before you can take a steady shot. That's legit.

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