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Cannot Load Material File ???

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I got this message when logging in ingame also, not frequently but it's starting to annoy me 


Anyone with similar problem?



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Just a BUG probably, get over it man!


This is alpha and there is no "get over it man", bugs are there to be reported and to be fixed.

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This is alpha and there is no "get over it man", bugs are there to be reported and to be fixed.

But these are the forums and bugs should be reported in the feedback tracker, not here.


The error is probably caused by incomplete content included in the last patch. I for one, have never encountered a beret in game. ATM all you can do is push okay and wait for the next patch.

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im getting the same error, except it seems to come up for me at a random time shortly after starting the game or switching servers... i have also seen 1 beret in the game so far, it was in a police station in the north airfield on one of the beds on the second floor. im assuming that since when i saw the beret it had the same texture on it as the ballistics helmet (it really looked like it was a helmet when i first saw it) that the texture file itself was accidentally ommited from the last patch, but since the game seems to function as well as it ever did im not overly concerned about it. 

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