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Columbus 1 Mislabel

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The server has been mislabeled as 1.7 , or 1.7.1 for some time now even though it has been keeping with patches and been intentionally using past patches but current patch data to leave less players on this up to date server.

This is the only grit I can prove it on.

The Server Admin is on frequently and the camp we had hidden away was just raided today, obviously there is the possibility that it was scouted but of course unlikely given the server population rarely going above 6-9 players ever.

Of the players on the server the server admin was the only one we knew who had the logictics to completely loot the camp we had in the short timespan of about 30minutes, as the vehicles in the camp would be incapable of carrying the 3-4 tents worth of equipment as the vehicles were also full.

In anycase although the admin *appears* to be running a legit server, he's obviously trying to keep it lower profile by mislabeling it.

It may be note worthy that only a 2 days ago it was Chicago 49.

I'm not mad about the loss rather suspicious about admin abuse hearing that it is indeed possible for Server admins to have full access and knowledge of all these locations and are allowed to even play on their own server.

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