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FrankDaTank1218 (DayZ)

Things DAYZ Desparately needs

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These are very important things Dayz needs.

Marijuana: you could grow it, sell it, and smoke it, smoking it would vastly increase hunger and make your character randomly laugh to give away their position. You could also give it to zombies so they "chill out...man".

Taco Bell food items: They could be used to stop hunger but it has an 80% chance that eating will make your character bend over every 60 seconds and crap himself or launch projectile Diarrhea that could be used to fight zombies.

Obama "Change" Posters: These could be used to give players false hope that things will change for the better.

Battlefield 3 Flashlight: A flashlight so bright that it permanently blinds other players and sets zombies on fire, it could also be used at night to aim up at the moon and ignite the moon so its a second sun.

Bicycle (DSHKM): A bicycle with twin DSHKM machineguns in the front.

A Bicycle built for two:

DayZ, Dayz,

Give me your answer do!

I'm half crazy,

All for the love of you!

It won't be a stylish marriage,

I can't afford a carriage

But you'll look sweet upon the seat

Of a bicycle made for two.

Self-Eating: players could eat their own bodyparts to survive.

Dayz Creepers: Green, Exploding, Armless zombies that have a chance of spawning Spicy Beans.

Killstreaks: 1 Zombie kill=Pimped out Motorcycle, 3 Zombie kills=Portable M134 minigun, 5 Zombie Kills=Attack Chopper, 7 Zombie Kills = T90 Tank filled with beans

1 Player kill=MechWarrior Mech

Troll Creature Enemies: Soulless and infuriatingly decieving green creatures who have tiny penises and didn't get laid in High School, spawns in basements and kills you by inciting rage until your character's head explodes.

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I've been reading the suggestion forum (again) and was just about to gouge my eyes out with a rusty spoon. Figured I'd suffer the pain of reading just one more suggestion before doing so.

Wow. thanks for adding some needed humor. It couldnt have come at a better time.

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Battlefield 3 Flashlight: A flashlight so bright that it permanently blinds other players and sets zombies on fire, it could also be used at night to aim up at the moon and ignite the moon so its a second sun.

Epic !

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reading this was a waste of my time, commenting on it even more so. Yet i needed to say it. Stop wasting Internet space!

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