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Dear developers, hear my plea. [priorities, not additions]

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Some-one doesn't listen. Adding pants and boots variations are not done by software engineers who work on server stability, they are done by artists. They are not trained in the same programs. They take wildly different amounts of effort and time. They are working on it, and you are just complaining and insulting everyone who tries to educate you.

And can that rubbish about being a consumer. You paid $30 bucks to be a tester, being a consumer comes later. There was a disclaimer when you bought the game, and there is a disclaimer you click "I understand" on every time you fire up the game. The best you can do is make an account on the bug tracker and upvote the issues that concern you, which I can guarantee are already there.

Given the state of these forums, I doubt the devs come into the suggestions area very often, and probably don't pay attention to threads that don't get a lot of beans. And given that you insult everyone and think typing in capitals help people understand your urgency better, I doubt that is going to happen.

A tl;dr of my [in retrospect] too long response.

-I was talking broadly, velvet pants are one example among many other less wasteful recent additions with other skills involved than modelling and art.

 -I never suggested priority to server stability, because I knew they're already working on it. Don't put words in my mouth.

-what xTITANx said ("alpha") was in no way educational, I told him in the OP I know it's an alpha

-seeing as I only insulted xTITANx and nobody else, I didn't exactly insult everyone as you said. It may now possibly include you, I don't care.

-I paid money for a product or service, ergo I'm a fucking consumer, learn capitalism.

-Everyone involved with the game are acting as consumers giving feedback on the product as they play it, not paying to test bugs.

-Evidence I'm paying to be a player, not a tester: "Let's play DayZ"-s all over the Internet. Clans and servers for players. Wikis for people to learn to play, not to test. Nobody paid $30 for the privelige of testing a game, they paid it to get DayZ Standalone Version early. I think you will find this is general consensus.

-the best I can do is go to Reddit and complain, or suggest here in the forums, because as you say the issues have been covered, which is why I'm suggesting priority in dealing with the issues. The bug tracker is irrelevant.

-I read the disclaimer, did you? It applies to people complaining "I BOUGHT DIS GAEM AND IT DOZZENT HAVE MAH 6 MILLION ZOMBIES AND COPTAHS RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!" It doesn't apply to requests for basic features to come before luxury features in development. I know it's an alpha, as I said many times, but what I want is for them to change their priorities, not just "hurry up", which is what the disclaimer addresses. And, as it says, "we will be working with the community."

-I have to use capitals not as a sign of urgency but to emphasize words to make the text easier to read. Many people do this.

-Wow, tell me off for insulting people then dismiss the entire forums as being in a poor state. Nobody needs you here to criticise a simple suggestion while giving no valid points as to why the suggestion is wrong. If you don't approve of me asking for development priorities, ignore it, because my OP is relevant to Suggestions as a Suggestion. If you want to see them add zombie hit indicators/zombie loot/one land vehicle/a bug fix on clipping, then donate your beans to as to actually let the devs hear it. Since you seem more preoccupied with getting beans for yourself from other lazy critics, I doubt that is going to happen.

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