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We need the ability to group up through an in-game menu allowing you to communicate & in some form spawn near your group.

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I'd like to see player groups (minimum player threshold of say 10?) in game, and perhaps some sort of uniform item for your group (like maybe an arm band of a certain color combination) that is overlaid on whatever your skin is.

As to spawn points, while I would like to be able to spawn in my groups base camp I think the problem with that is everyone will have that set half a klick from the north airfield, and if you think the airfield battles are bad now? Wait till everyone can get back to it in under 5 minutes after respawning. :/ How's this? Being able to select a spawn point for your organization.... but it has to be within 500 meters of the coast outside of the major coastal cities (Cherno/Elektro).

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Played with a group yesterday. We all wore chemlights for quick ID.

Worked well.

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I'm indifferent to this. But I can see where such a system would come in handy.

I disagree with the OP on spawning close to groupmates however.

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