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Noob Questions

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1.What's the purpose of a spraycan and how can I use it?

2.Does a weapon cleaning kit improve a weapon part e.g. from "Damaged" to "Worn"?

3.Hacksaw? Should I keep it or it's a waste of storage capacity?


Thanks in advance for your help.







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1.What's the purpose of a spraycan and how can I use it?

2.Does a weapon cleaning kit improve a weapon part e.g. from "Damaged" to "Worn"?

3.Hacksaw? Should I keep it or it's a waste of storage capacity?


Thanks in advance for your help.



1: you can paint some weapons and clothing i believe

2: One would think, but i haven't tested this.

3: Sawed-off shotguns can be made with that if i quote what was in the changelog, can also open cans.

Edited by Bash Arkin
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1) You can use the spraycan to paint your Mosin (AFAIK - not tested myself yet)

2) Unsure - Hopefully someone else can answer that once they've tested it themselves

3) If you don't have a tin opener sure - you can open canned food with it etc (I also distinctly remember something about a Sawn Off(?) a while back)

Edited by Truthful
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2) As of now, I have tried many different weapons to try to improve their condition with the kit but it has not worked at all.

Edited by DoctorRayRay
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