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Questions For The Mod To StandAlone...

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So I made this short cinematic with some questions for you guys about the mod moving to standalone about the players.


Tell me what you guys think, and answer the questions.


Cheers Guys 



Edited by Wombalar

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To answer your major question: Yes, it is going to die slowly. Thats because for every new feature which is tranfered from the mod to the SA, there are a few players moving. And thats fine. Because the mod has way too much restrictions (Hacker, Combatlogging, Clothing, Zombies, Bugs....) to live always. But there will be always a small community who stays with the mod.

The mod was great, I spent about 1000 hours in it and the options with new maps(Lingor, Takistan, Taviana) and new gamemods (Origins, Epoch) are great, but step by step this is going to take place in one big standalone game. Later on you will be able to create your own bases in standalone, like in Origins or Epoch, just way better!

And yes, I´m still playing the mod, sometimes with friends, but not as often as I played it, when it was the only DayZ. I loved the Standalone since the first steps in it, so I will stay there and be happy about every single new item or fixed bug. The mod was great - but just the sample for the SA: For the developers to learn. Now they knew what to care about and they gonna make one of the best games ever made.

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