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Radios and Long distance Communication

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Due to the amount of servers dropping the global, side and command channels for voice and text chat linking with comrades I had met along the way but got separated from has been near impossible.

While I'm not trying to make this game too easy in any way, shape or form I think a Radio that could be picked up and put on your tool belt could be a great addition and could be used as a double edged sword against those who use it.

I think you could find the radio and set it to certain frequencies and all others with radios of that frequency can talk to each other like a normal chat. This could be sued very effectively by both Survivors and Bandits making it a balanced tool of sorts.

1. Survivors could use it to set frequencies with friends and others found along the way to link up later or spread out and search more effectively while staying in contact inside towns, cities, or where ever they may be.

2. Bandits can stumble upon your frequency if they are close enough (I figured they could have a 200-300 meter effective range, and 300-400 voices fade and those talking on it are raspy and choppy to you) The bandits can then single in on you and hunt more effectively to those using it without any pause or thought.

Edit: Have 3 types of radios

1. Walkie Talkies for short -mid range communication

2. Large Military grade "Backpack Radio" for short -long range communication (possibly takes the spot of your backpack? Influencing more group based uses of it)

3. Stationary radios in radio stations, military bases, airfields, etc., used for short - extremely long range communication

Maybe each one has more frequencies available to it's use than the one before respectively?

I feel like this would be a great addition to the game, If anyone else agrees or wants to put their two cents in feel free to post chime in on this idea. :D Slaughter out!

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PC Gamer's blog posted a huge interview with rocket and other guys from bis and he said that they are trying to figure it out a way to do this. He even said that an email system were thought at some point.

But it's a great ideia. good for realism and (most important) good for gameplay.

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Walky talkies for squads and certain radio frequencies are a good idea but the metre radius is retarded! I'd like to make walkie talkies not a large radius and long-range radios like a radio on ur back with a large antenna sticking slightly above ur head and can reach more frequencies at a larger distance, simplify the idea like this and it'll work.

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Walky talkies for squads and certain radio frequencies are a good idea but the metre radius is retarded! I'd like to make walkie talkies not a large radius and long-range radios like a radio on ur back with a large antenna sticking slightly above ur head and can reach more frequencies at a larger distance' date=' simplify the idea like this and it'll work.


I like that idea alot! :D Gonna add it to the post, maybe even possibly find Huge radios at airfields or military bases that are stationary reach across the whole map?? :D possibilities!

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Rocket said something about this feature in a recent interview. But right now I think the dev team needs to focus on bugs and more essential features before they do the more optional ones. Yes this would be awesome. But that seems like a lot of work when the majority of groups seem to be using skype right now. For the future though, I give it full support.

The Anti-Bandits Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TAB-DayZ

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Rocket said something about this feature in a recent interview. But right now I think the dev team needs to focus on bugs and more essential features before they do the more optional ones. Yes this would be awesome. But that seems like a lot of work when the majority of groups seem to be using skype right now. For the future though' date=' I give it full support.

The Anti-Bandits Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TAB-DayZ


Groups of people who know each other before they join maybe, but when your in the middle of the apocalypse and run into 1 or 2 people, who may or may not have VOIP softwares, with bandits and zeds everywhere, setting up a skype for everyone is kind of time consuming, as well as meaning for those without mics have to alt-tab just say something. The radios would just add another chat channel just like an in game one.

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