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Infection: Total amount of blood loss? Catch from zombie hits? *SOLVED*

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I got an infection.

I had 12,000 blood, temp 42. But apparently caught it from a zombie, which Day Z wiki confirmed.

I had been coughing, and about 1 hour later I had 7500 blood. So you bleed it slow, but not over a few hours of trekking.

From DayZ wiki:

"Antibiotics are used to stop an infection.

They are very rare and may be found at hospitals only.

A Survivor may get infected when hit by a Zombie while bleeding, or when near an already infected Player while the Temperature is below 34°C. An infected player looses Blood continously but slowly down to a bloodlevel of 6,000. Beside this effect, the Player coughs regularly."


Their detailed info on actual infections did not answer it:


Symptoms Character will cough and splutter

Causes Causes of Infection:

Random chance when Temperature drops below 36

Spending time near players who are already sick

Treatment Using Antibiotics will cure the infection, however they spawn rarely."

Sorry to ask, but "search" didn't even have the specifics on blood loss amounts in regards to infection. So now it will for future noobs.

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Infection from zombie hits while bleeding which every fucking hit causes bleeding \;_:/ TAKE ME

I've never entered a hospital, I have a group that does for me but antibiotics are very, too, rare.

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How about we actually get something to use over wounds so they don't get infected. Like, I don't know, something that is super rare in the real world. Could it be, medical alcohol?

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