cell 0 Posted June 23, 2012 Server: US92 TXTime: 10:50 pm - 11:03 pm EST (3:50 am - 4:03 am GMT) 22nd (or 23rd) June 2012this is likely pointless as we have no name / proof. worth a try to get a possible cheater banned however.short version: three friends and myself believe we were killed by a hacker that appeared to have speed / god hacks.basically three friends and myself drove up to Devil's Castle from the dam (very long drive). we climbed up the tallest tower of the castle to look around and spotted a helicopter crash so we sent two of us to go loot it (myself included). the other two covered us from the top of the tower with some DMRs. i stood near the chopper for maybe 10 minutes comparing the two guns we found and reading the wiki about them. i tabbed in and out every 15 seconds or less to drop and pick up items and mess with the guns. the last time i tabbed in i was treated with the death screen. the friend with me was already back in the tower at this point.my friends were confused because they heard no shots and spotted no other players. furthermore they said i was still standing straight up but had blood spraying out of me. within less than 15 seconds of me telling them i was dead the alleged hacker was already in the tower climbing up and shooting at my three friends. the first one to encounter the "hacker" unloaded full auto on him within close range while retreating higher up the tower. another one of us with a DMR engaged the hacker, landed a few hits, and then died. the remaining two of us armed with a DMR + M4 waited for the hacker to walk up the stairs to them and then unloaded full auto on him. they both saw countless puffs of blood flying off the hacker (they werent missing) yet did no damage to him. a few seconds later the hacker killed them.we believe he was hacking because:1. his gun made no noise. even at close range my friends said they could only hear the bullets hitting the wall. perhaps it was just a silenced weapon?2. there was either more than one hostile or the "hacker" was speed hacking. its not possible for one person to have killed me without being seen and then climb the wooden stairs to reach the bottom level of the tower in less than 15 seconds.3. he killed two of my friends almost instantly, no broken bones or being knocked unconscious. he took no damage when being shot as stated earlier. in the extremely close quarters of the castle tower its not really possible to miss. especially not in the final seconds of the engagement when my last two friends waited for the hacker to walk into their line of sight and then fully unloaded on him within hatchet distance.this was either a hacker or two or more players executing a perfect ambush all armed with silenced weapons during a lag spike which prevented us from damaging them.some server stats my friend found: http://arma2.swec.se/game/data/5131082and a few screens i took of the players on the server. i took this a few minutes after i respawned and my friends all left however.http://i.imgur.com/QmXj6.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/Qpg5v.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/nqhuK.jpgthats pretty much all i can think of. take it as you will. peace Share this post Link to post Share on other sites