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Bought DayZ SA today. This is my opinion after 10 hours.

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When I see/hear "I AM FRIENDLY, DON'T SHOOT!," 


What I "really" hear is "I am a victim, please abuse me" OR "trust me you sucker"


It is often times a fatal (literally) error to make an initial judgment based on what anyone says in DayZ.


If I make first contact with another player it will generally be something like "stay away, keep your distance and we will get along fine"

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Also, check your body language. I've met more friendlies than nasties in Day Z after 103 hours of game play. Actions carry more value than words do in my Day Z player interaction experiences. The true hardcore KoS'ers don't hesitate and saying "friendly" doesn't help you at all.  So do you run to Balota/NWAF/Cherno/Electro? If so, then find a new route from your spawn and you will likely have a completely different experience.

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