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King of kong

More Types of Military Zombies + NATO camps/USMC Camps

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So since we've got US Army gear in the game wouldn't it be cool to have places that could replace the mashed-together gear spawns and even it out. So for example if someone wants CDF guns and gear they have to go to a CDF camp and if you want American gear you have to go to a NATO Camp.

These NATO camp should look like the Balota army camp, but with U.S Army Zombies, British, Etc. They would spawn the western gear that everyone is after. Now the places like Balota Airfield should be converted to Civilian airports. But add CDF Camps at places like Devil's Castle and the In-land villages. CDF Camps would spawn your average Chernarussian Army gear, NWAF could be the largest CDF Base in South Zagoria Region of Chernarus (South Zagoria beng the region of Chernarus where DayZ is set), but we could have small Army Camps in the wilderness to encourage exploration.

Crash Sites: Like the ones in the mod. It could be stuff like  crashed NATO Aircraft, crashed MI-17, SU-25, Etc, or  wrecked convoy.

Now stuff like the SU-25 Wrecks would spawn stuff like survival vests and pistols. NATO Aircraft wrecks would spawn a lot of NATO Zombies, but have guns and western Army clothing. Convoy wrecks would have both NATO and Chernarus Defense Force gear, on different convoys of course.

Edited by King of kong
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sounds like a great idea to me! although there may be limited items that would be russian that are modern (besides the AK series). are there really that many modern guns native to russia/asia?

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are there really that many modern guns native to russia/asia?






PP-19-01 Vityaz



OT-14 Groza

PP-19 Bizon

Edited by Dale Gribble
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Well the Chernarussian Defense Force use old pre-USSR Collapse gear but I see no reason why we can't have Russian Federation guns from the recent Russian invasion of the Republic of Chernarus

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sounds like a great idea to me! although there may be limited items that would be russian that are modern (besides the AK series). are there really that many modern guns native to russia/asia?

Oh yes.

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Taking Your idea further, I would suggest "a last stand survivor camp", e.g. a medical facility sorounded by heavy military fortifications, with signs of heavy fighting - a lot of corpses,destroyed barricades, maybe half of the facilities destroyed by fire/ explosions.

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It could be a nice addition for a random event on the map. The location could be reset every server reset.


Loot and weapons will probably be more balanced in the future. 

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NATO? Maybe...   USMC? No.

In the lore the USMC came to the Republic of Chernarus to aid the CDF to fight the Chernarussian Movement of The Red Star. And all compasses have "U.S Engineer Corps" on the top

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