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Do you get color back from Health Regen?

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Hey everyone I was wondering if I could get your guys experiences on having low blood in DayZ StandAlone. I currently have low blood and I have ate and drank to where my character says " I'm really full " (This was about 1 hour ago). I still have not regained my color back in the game. It is still black & white. Any tips on fixing? Has this happened to you?

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i know a ''bug'' which will get some of your screen back, just go to options > video and then close options.

Or you could try to steal blood from someone ^^

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After an hour of eating and drinking until full, you should get color back, yes.


But make sure, you haven't just drink until full and ate just a single can of beans ;)





Once I changed from black/white to color WHILE I ate my bag of rice. 

So it shouldn't take very long at all... 

Edited by Khad

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You have to eat/drink enough so that your status says "healthy", then if you are low on blood it will show as "healing" and color will slowly come back.

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I'd like to direct you to this thread made by Merino of the Trusted Medics of the Wasteland. In it he has several videos on your vital statistics, and how to stay healthy after the end of the world. He's put a lot a lot of effort into them, and they've saved my life countless times.

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Thank you so much for the responses! 


I'd like to direct you to this thread made by Merino of the Trusted Medics of the Wasteland. In it he has several videos on your vital statistics, and how to stay healthy after the end of the world. He's put a lot a lot of effort into them, and they've saved my life countless times.

 I will check his videos out! Thank you!

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