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I am so confused....

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Database support for sub hives. (Sub-private, Hardcore/Regular public)

DayZServer.exe support for sub hives.


Excuse me for my ignorance lol But does this mean private hives are going to be a thing now, this early?


Enlighten me. 

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Yeah, looks like it. Hopefully no mod/easy-mode support though...

Edited by Mos1ey

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Thats awesome, goodbye ghosting, combat loggers, and server hopping to an extent.  


Yeah, looks like it. Hopefully no mod/easy-mode support though...

Also i hope the admins dont have the ability to teleport and be able to see everything on the map.  but oh well i like it either way.

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Thats awesome, goodbye ghosting, combat loggers, and server hopping to an extent.  


Also i hope the admins dont have the ability to teleport and be able to see everything on the map.  but oh well i like it either way.



Indeed, I hope admin abilities are severely limited.

Edited by Mos1ey

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Yeah, looks like it. Hopefully no mod/easy-mode support though...


Doesn't private hive = modificaton? Sounds like support to me. 

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Thats awesome, goodbye ghosting, combat loggers, and server hopping to an extent. 


Now I'm confused!


Doesn't 'private hive' effectivily mean private character database?  If not would you be kind enough to enli9ghten me as to what all this hive, sub-hive exe supprt for hive etc etc really all means.


I don't understand how this will affect the issues above.



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Doesn't private hive = modificaton? Sounds like support to me. 


Private hive = a server that is not connected to the main hive.


i.e. your character will not carry over to that server.

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Private hive = a server that is not connected to the main hive.


i.e. your character will not carry over to that server.



I know but you said no modified support...and essentially a private hive could have modifications? 


It would be strange for a game that started as a modification to not allow the community modify it. Especially a game like DayZ using the RV engine. People have been modding for the series since 2001. Just strange and a kick to the face to the modding community. 

Edited by The_Man

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It would be strange for a game that started as a modification to not allow the community modify it. Especially a game like DayZ using the RV engine. People have been modding for the series since 2001. Just strange and a kick to the face to the modding community. 


They will allow it, 'tis been confirmed. But i can imagine they want to finish the game first.

Edited by Greaves

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I know but you said no modified support...and essentially a private hive could have modifications? 


It would be strange for a game that started as a modification to not allow the community modify it. Especially a game like DayZ using the RV engine. People have been modding for the series since 2001. Just strange and a kick to the face to the modding community. 


Did you play the mod before the mods of the mod and easy-mode servers started appearing? They ruined it completely. Pretty much everyone I know stopped playing because of it...


Allowing people to bastardise the game purely because DayZ was a mod once just makes zero sense to me.

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Did you play the mod before the mods of the mod and easy-mode servers started appearing? They ruined it completely. Pretty much everyone I know stopped playing because of it...


Allowing people to bastardise the game purely because DayZ was a mod once just makes zero sense to me.

Same can be said about 3rd person view and how it bastardizes the hardcore survival aspect. Private hives (which are modifications) will happen, rocket has confirmed that. Nothing wrong with mods. Everybody can choose what server they play on.

And the authentic BI hive will still be more popular because it is much bigger and encompasses more servers for players to move between.


I personally would hope a STALKER like mod is made. With the same atmosphere and level of detail as the real games.

Edited by myshl0ng
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Same can be said about 3rd person view and how it bastardizes the hardcore survival aspect. Private hives (which are modifications) will happen, rocket has confirmed that. Nothing wrong with mods. Everybody can choose what server they play on.

And the authentic BI hive will still be more popular because it is much bigger and encompasses more servers for players to move between.


Private hives are not modifications, like i said they're servers disconnected from the main hive so that your character does not carry over.


Everybody can choose what server they play on, but I'd rather not have to play on dumbed down mods because that's what everyone else likes. It's already hard to find populated first-person only servers with a day/nigh cycle...

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Did you play the mod before the mods of the mod and easy-mode servers started appearing? They ruined it completely. Pretty much everyone I know stopped playing because of it...


Allowing people to bastardise the game purely because DayZ was a mod once just makes zero sense to me.


I'm sure there will also be some really awesome idea's. 

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Private hives are not modifications, like i said they're servers disconnected from the main hive so that your character does not carry over.


Everybody can choose what server they play on, but I'd rather not have to play on dumbed down mods because that's what everyone else likes. It's already hard to find populated first-person only servers with a day/nigh cycle...

The problem with the day/night cycle is that some people work night-shifts, have night classes, etc. but still would like to play this game during the day without a high ping. That is another debate for another time though. 


I agree when you say dumbed down mods. If there was a way for the developers to accept good modifications but that is just more work for the developers that they do not need. However, no modifications seems a little to strict and slightly ironic. 

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Did you play the mod before the mods of the mod and easy-mode servers started appearing? They ruined it completely. Pretty much everyone I know stopped playing because of it...


Allowing people to bastardise the game purely because DayZ was a mod once just makes zero sense to me.


Ruined what exactly? Did you play Operation Flashpoint, Arma I, Arma II before the mods appeared? I did. The community flourishes with modifications and extends the life of those games. Those games also had easy-mode servers, deathmatches, etc. Truth of the matter is that it doesn't ruin anything. It expands the community. You are a moderator though so I can imagine it turns these forums into total madness. Usually the best modifications turn into their own forums which develop a community of their own. It did that in the modification of DayZ as well. You need to take the good with the bad. At the moment, since the game is in alpha, it isn't a problem but down the road there will need to be modification support. So I'll agree with you if you are only saying that there should be no modifications this early on. 

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Ruined what exactly? Did you play Operation Flashpoint, Arma I, Arma II before the mods appeared? I did. The community flourishes with modifications and extends the life of those games. Those games also had easy-mode servers, deathmatches, etc. Truth of the matter is that it doesn't ruin anything. It expands the community. You are a moderator though so I can imagine it turns these forums into total madness. Usually the best modifications turn into their own forums which develop a community of their own. It did that in the modification of DayZ as well. You need to take the good with the bad. At the moment, since the game is in alpha, it isn't a problem but down the road there will need to be modification support. So I'll agree with you if you are only saying that there should be no modifications this early on. 


To be quite honest I'd say when you get the point where it's physically impossible to play the vanilla mod in a server that's more than 10% full while the 1,000 vehicle, 24/7 daylight and self-bloodbag servers are filled to bursting point that it's ruined.


Does it expand the community or does it divide it?

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To be quite honest I'd say when you get the point where it's physically impossible to play the vanilla mod in a server that's more than 10% full while the 1,000 vehicle, 24/7 daylight and self-bloodbag servers are filled to bursting point that it's ruined.


Does it expand the community or does it divide it?


Certainly it divides it. I would really like to see these forums divided into the following sections:


Vanilla (Hardcore, etc)

Modified servers


Forcing the community to play vanilla is fine for the beginning. It makes sense for development. However, this engine allows for some brilliant modifications that we have seen since the modification of DayZ. Hell, we might even see a more hardcore modification of the Vanilla that would appeal to the Vanilla players. I love the Vanilla community. This game should be hard and difficult. I would rather see each type of player have a version that appeals to them thus a forum section that they could converse with other like minded players in. The current forum setup seems chaotic resulting in a mezcla of too many different kinds of players. I suppose that is the result of the mods from the first game. 


I also didn't like all those random servers with different mods though. It was confusing. I would like to see the developers promote hard working third party developers. A massive overhaul to the vanilla version approved by the developers would make sense down the line no? This is just my personal opinion and I'm not on either fence. Just want the community to be happy. Spitballing here! 

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Thats awesome, goodbye ghosting, combat loggers, and server hopping to an extent.  



How can private hives fix those problems?

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It's really simple. It's a free market. The best servers win, crappiest lose and become empty.

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