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KoS Theory

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People often get carried away discussing whether KoS is right/wrong, game breaking/part of the experience. My opinion on this is irrelevant.  I'm here to present you with a theory.


When a KoSer dies he/she becomes a new spawn, crawling out of the ocean like the first mammal to walk the earth, but destined to follow the same patterns of their previous life.


This person becomes the fist waving, face smashing, wrench wielding new spawn that if anyone tries to help they will immediately regret it.  If natural selection allows them to get to the ever elusive "end game" (whatever the hell that means) they will reclaim their position as KoSer.


I've seen written on the forums and reddit about people who hate new spawns.  They've tried helping new spawns and it went poorly, they say they'll never help anyone ever again and they, in turn, will die.  Only to emerge from the ocean to become a fist waving, leg breaking, axe toting new spawn that if anyone tries to help  they will immediately regret it.


If people are burned in this game they often change tactics, molding themselves into more cautious and paranoid individuals.  By this rationale after a certain period of time EVERYONE will become a KoSer.  There will be no love, compassion or empathy.


However, I don't think this will happen...


For some reason some of us get bored, we throw our gear away, we have a chat to the M4 toting maniac, we can't help ourselves. Our ability to aim down the sights becomes a lower priority than our ability to press the comms button.  To us staying alive is not as important as feeling alive.


Why?  What part of our humanity stops this game from becoming DayZ Deathmatch?


Why does "life find a way"?(Jeff Goldblum, 1993), 

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Like your opinion this thread is also irrelevant. 


Thanks for your input, but getting to the core of humanity is hardly irrelevant


Search your soul, you know this to be true.


Peace and love, friend.

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How many times has this been discussed now? 10? 20? 50?


Who knows, all i know is that this thread keeps popping up.

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Well if I must contribute, yes helping others/not KOS'ing is actually a challenge in my opinion which I like to try to tackle from time to time. However I believe that is mostly stroking your own ego rather than showing your "humanity" as with everything else really, just like KOS'ing.

Edited by weedmasta
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I enjoy having a chat with my victims before pumping their guts full of lead.


It takes me 30 minutes to get fully geared if I play clever.

Edited by skin_head_army

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It takes me 30 minutes to get fully geared if I play clever.


Don't worry, that'll change when getting gear is actually going to be a challenge.

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Well if I must contribute, yes helping others/not KOS'ing is actually a challenge in my opinion which I like to try to tackle from time to time. However I believe that is mostly stroking your own ego rather than showing your "humanity" as with everything else really, just like KOS'ing.

Well put, friend.


Peace and love.

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Don't worry, that'll change when getting gear is actually going to be a challenge.


Yeah, and I'll keep killing everyone except my group as long as I have something to hurt players with in my hands, they won't expect it, the power of really good manipulative speech is my hands, let me tell you, I don't do it to grief people and ruin their day, I do it for my own joy, I enjoy it. Having a chat..interact..''How are things for you in DayZ, you doing good?''..and then BANG.


Nothing makes me as happy as seeing my group having a fun time playing packed up with ammo and supplies.

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Yeah, and I'll keep killing everyone except my group as long as I have something to hurt players with in my hands, they won't expect it, the power of really good manipulative speech is my hands, let me tell you, I don't do it to grief people and ruin their day, I do it for my own joy, I enjoy it. Having a chat..interact..''How are things for you in DayZ, you doing good?''..and then BANG.


Nothing makes me as happy as seeing my group having a fun time playing packed up with ammo and supplies.


Do you ever see an instance where you might do something different?  What, if anything, would change your murderous ways?


Peace and love, friend.

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my "theory" is that it is a problem of "ignorance / programming" let me break down DayZ for you.


there are heroes - those that no when to spare a life, they dress as heroes, if you a deep into DayZ you know what a hero looks like.

there are bandits - they know how to dress as bandits & behave as bandits.

there is the military - 50/50 good bad..


then there are the mindless bots - they are human but play the game mindlessly, they dress whatever looks bad ass and shoot what ever moves from years and years of being programmed to do so in FPS.  Now this is what makes DayZ unique and drives people mad "uncertainty" you just don't know if you are in a scenario with a bot or a person playing with purpose in the game world, ie to be either a hero or a bandit, more often than not you die trying.  bean eater off you go again, rinse, repeat.   That's how I see it anyways..

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Why?  What part of our humanity stops this game from becoming DayZ Deathmatch?

when they add some more relevant content to it. right now it's just a deathmatch arena. easy to gear up with server hopping, so nothing really matters.


when they add survival time counter (and average survival time counter), remove server hopping and iron out the most pestering bugs, it's time to start trying imo. you might lose your gear suddenly, be a victim of bug-related death, or be a victim of some other bug (i was once trapped in a non-accessible part of the house and couldn't get out), so you might aswell go rampage before it happens.

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"And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance. but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:
Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire."


Matthew 3

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I don`t really think whether or not you murder someone in a video game or not says much about your humanity IRL


I KoS sometimes for the simple reason that sometimes there are people in the room with me and i don`t want to sound like a dumbass 

screaming "Hey you, don`t move" over VOIP.


Sometimes i`m in the mood to socialize, sometimes not. 


Sometimes  i have a friend over, and he`s watching me play and i can`t bore him by simply avoiding people, or risking getting killed by interacting with them.


There are literally tons of reasons people shoot that don`t have any relation to their empathy as human beings IRL

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Thanks for your input, but getting to the core of humanity is hardly irrelevant


Search your soul, you know this to be true.


Peace and love, friend.


i like you.

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