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What priority are they giving to wall clipping / getting stuck in stuff?

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Currently, logging out of the game is one of the most dangerous things you can do. I constantly keep spawning halfway into the world, stuck in the foundation of a building or stick between walls.


What's worse is that the restart button is disabled unless you're unconcious (and even then, it rarely works right).


Just curious because I have read a lot of different things about future updates and bugs they are aware of, but I haven't seen anything about this clipping issue. Sometimes it resolves itself i you jump around / lean and prone, but currently I'm stuck between walls in a school and I have to leave the game on until I die of thirst.

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Or sprinting indoors making you fly through a wall and get suck/die. I've gotten stuck behind the backwall in churches twice now, and it's irritating to have to sprint-vault for 20 minutes until I finally glitch my way back out, the whole time fighting off the hordes of zombies I attract in the process. :(

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