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My thoughts on the thirst mechanic

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Right now the amount of fluid in a container is measured in ml instead of percentage like with food.

It's kind of silly right now. Your character drinks something like 5ml when you "drink". 5ml is barely enough water to get you your tongue wet. On top of this, canteens only hold 25ml. Which is also very silly.

Since thirst, to my knowledge, is the fastest "bar" to decrease, it would make more sense if canteens held a liter and each drink you took was 100ml.

IMO, its more realistic, and it would remove the need to spam the use key at wells and the like.

If they want to use realistic values for how much water you need vs how many calories you're burning, they also need to make the quantities of "drinks" and drink containers more realistic.

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You can put this down to alpha and the numbers are just placeholders for the time being, some items don't even have descriptions. So do what I do multiply the number in your head and pretend your drinking that much.

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I'm just hoping they find some way of making it so you don't have to "drink" 100 times to fill your water bar.

Say in one drinking session the "stomach" can only hold 1 liter of liquid without making you sick. Then make each time you dink bring that bar up by 100ml.

I know it's alpha, but I haven't read anything yet on what they have planned for the that system. I'm just giving my opinion on what I think a good system would be.

Also, a grumbling moan from your character when he's full would be a nice replacement for the text notification. Maybe a satisfied "ahhhh" sound for full and an uncomfortable groan just before you're about to make yourself sick.

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