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do we have a timeline on when bikes/cars/boats/helis being added?  havent been on the forums in awhile and couldnt find anything with the search feature. 


anyone know if rocket or another dev has said when? and if so link plz.


ty guys

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I don't think there has been any date released on when these things will be added. I've heard rumors however of them debating even adding helicopters or not. What I think they would do, and hope, is adding bikes relatively soon and more vehicles to follow in toe.

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I do not believe we will see any vehicles for at-least 4-6 months.  Even Bicycles.

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I don't want them adding planes (planes make the map feel smaller and just seem op) but I would be fine with them adding a Helicopter.


I would prefer for the Helicopter to be like this,


-Only have 2 or 3 max on a map at a time.

-Spawn in various locations so that it is uncampable (random among the Military bases, camps and occasionally crashed in Forests etc.)

-Make them spawn damaged, but in different conditions (example, if you find one in a Military base it would probably be damaged just due to it being weathered down from nature and other things over time although if you find one crashed in a forest it could be very badly damaged)

Edited by Timecharge

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I'd tell you to search function but Valdimahr beat me too it.


Prolly when the game hits beta in 6-12 months

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couldnt find anything with the search feature. 



ya i did. read before you act like an ass.



but ya i hope they do at least add bikes soon.  well ty for the info guys. i figured they havent said anything but just thought i would ask

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