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Deletion of ammo in primary inv. & Bpack

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Date/Time: 6/22/12 at 6:15PM-ish Pacific Time

What happened: Been noticing all day that once a single shot was fired from a magazine, upon reconnecting at a later point, the entire mag would be deleted from my primary inventory. This issue then persisted to the point that unused (full) mags were beginning to delete out of my backpack once all the ones in my primary inv. were gone. I systematically had all my mags (only for my primary weapon's ammo) deleted. I noticed the mag-eating was occurring with my pistol as well, but only when rounds were missing from a clip. Full clips weren't eaten like my mags were.

Where you were: All over the west side of the map, the events were dependent on when I had to DC.

What you were doing: Shooting people mostly, was running around quite a lot--covering lots of ground.. then the occasional DC to take care of Irl matters.

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: LA3

*Your system specs:

*Timeline of events before/after error: Sometimes before my mags would get eaten I would get the glitch or whatever it is that refills your mags, but after about two times of that they were systematically becoming eaten, one at a time per DC/Re-connect. I'm now without any ammo for my primary weapon.

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EDIT: I want to clarify that this is intended to report a glitch in the game of some kind.

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Intended behavior. Use search function. As the latest ArmaII beta patches introduced ammo tracking this will also be present in DayZ 1.7.2. Then you will be fine.

And pretty, pretty please use the search function!

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