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Random Character resets...

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I understand fully this is an alpha, and as so will have many bugs and glitches.  But when I spend 4 hours yesterday running around, gathering gear, guns, ammo, food, etc. and finally get fully kitted so I can be ready to play with my friends today.  And then I log in this morning to find I have a new character, it's quite frustrating.  I dont mind the bugs in game, I dont mind slipping through walls and windows, dying to a bandit, etc.  But simply getting a new character for no reason is too much.  Me and 4 friends logged out at the same time, same place, same server last night so we would all be ready to play this morning.  Now they have their toons ready to go, and I have a damn newspawn.  This has happened to a lot of other friends I play with as well. This is definitely one issue that needs addressed in the next hotfix.  This sole issue makes me not want to play anymore. :(

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You either have to accept that stuff like this is going to happen while the game is being developed or just stop playing and try again in a month or so to see if things have improved.


The devs are well aware of the issues but some things will just take longer than others to fix.

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Always found it weird that people got their characters "randomly" wiped, but I did find out how to do it,

login, enter server, change server, change server, change server, change server. 

Bug successfully replicated


no offense but this post's happens a lot and much like you it's almost always new account created specifically to post about this.  Strangely, same thing when people come to complain about "unfair" (read "well deserved")  bans.


I'm not accusing you of hacking either just to be clear, only pointing out an observation.

Edited by Window Licker

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Stick to one server... I was having the same issues when I was trying to find day server (I'm free to play after 10pm). I played on some US server and when I switched back to EU server, my charatcter was wiped out. After some experimenting I was able to pinpoint one US server that was not compatible with other US and EU servers. Playing on that server gives character wipeout next time I play on different server.


Or, if you need few serves to switch between them, try them as a freshspawn, and when you are sure your character is properly saved, put them in your favorites and use only them.

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I only play on our clan server 90% of the time.  BLAM if you wanna look it up. (Server based in NY, 24/7 day, and 3rd person on)  Hence why it takes me so long to gear up, as I scavenge, and thus wait on the next server reset.  Half the time, I cannot see servers, let alone change them, without relauching the game.  Either server lists dont show up, or everyone I click on I get confirmation of changes failed. 


Also reason for new account, this is my first post on here.  To be honest for an alpha, this is quite playable, so I havent really had a reason to register and post about anything.  This specific bug just frustrates me. 

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I understand fully this is an alpha, and as so will have many bugs and glitches.  But when I spend 4 hours yesterday running around, gathering gear, guns, ammo, food, etc. and finally get fully kitted so I can be ready to play with my friends today.  And then I log in this morning to find I have a new character, it's quite frustrating.  I dont mind the bugs in game, I dont mind slipping through walls and windows, dying to a bandit, etc.  But simply getting a new character for no reason is too much.  Me and 4 friends logged out at the same time, same place, same server last night so we would all be ready to play this morning.  Now they have their toons ready to go, and I have a damn newspawn.  This has happened to a lot of other friends I play with as well. This is definitely one issue that needs addressed in the next hotfix.  This sole issue makes me not want to play anymore. :(


Sounds like you DON'T understand this is alpha. That's cool, you are in the majority it seems.


In a game of this type if you don't enjoy the journey you are probably playing the wrong game. But then im a journey kind of guy. Only game I have played where the destination was better than the Journey was Shadowbane

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Trust me, I understand.  Countless times have I died glitching through walls, off roofs, by zombies cause I was unable to pull out a weapon.  At one point I kept the same character alive for 5 days straight, and actually became so bored i went on a high pop server in kambi, and let a new spawn take it all just for the fun of starting over.  But man, these random resets hurt :(   as far as the server hopping, i have a lot of fun with this.  As our server is usually low pop, usually under 5 people, and with the same spots for loot spawns, I can sit in the office building in elektro, on the third floor and watch people spawn in, going for the mosin or m4 that usually spawns there, and take them out. :)

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Yes, it's frustrating.


Yes, it's been posted a thousand times before.


Yes, saying 'it's an alpha but... [reporting something that's frustrating but known about]' doesn't help anyone.


I do understand the frustration, but posting threads like this just make it harder to find the less well-reported issues, because they're buried under a hundred 'character reset' threads. If you know it's an Alpha, complaining about known issues is a bit odd.


I'm not trying to be rude, and I accept that you're actually being pretty cool about it, but also try and understand the frustration this causes to folks who are getting kind of tired of saying 'it's an alpha, there are going to be bugs' fifteen times a day.

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I get the point, as I said.  But the point of an alpha, or beta, is to find bugs, and the dev team fixes them. I understand there is a lot of them.  But in most early stage games I have played like this, the more an issue is reported, or complained about, the faster that one is fixed by the dev team.  I could name a ton of bugs, such as the one where you are tryin to bandage or eat, and you get "you are already using something" or when you pull out a weapon, and it puts it back away.  If the dev team working on this does their job properly, they will continue doing what they are doing, as far as game progression.  But they will also listen to the players, as to what bugs are the most bothersome at this point in the game, and work on them ahead of the rest. I would just much rather see this bug addressed, before the ones such as being unable to bandage or eat, which do not nearly affect gameplay as much.  Anyways, yea, this truely is my only real complaint, (bug that bothers me) for an alpha.


So far this game has really impressed me, although I cant say the same about the people I run across in the game lol.  Ill be looking forward to beta, when we can all hear people really complaining, not knowing what us alpha guys have been through.

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