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How to start the game with nothing like a pro

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Hey guys I just wanted to let you all know how I start a new life in DayZ.

To start off I see where I spawned. If its an outlying town near a main city sprint to the city. If you start somewhere way out like kamenka sprint inland for hay barns and such.

If you spawn on a main city like Cherno or Electro sprint into town.

Now once you arive at town I usually have atleast 4 zombie minions by now.

On full servers these. City's are full of people and loot (on people) they are your target. When you have your zombies running with you in town get into those item spawn locations, I know all the buildings that are enterable off by heart.

So right now your sprinting through town with zombies checking for weapons or a hatchet.

If you find someone before you find a gun do a tight turn around their body.

If zombies get a new close target to attack they will go after it instead of you.

As you go through the town you must be listening for sounds of flies for someones dead body. If you find a dead person simply take a sharp corner around a building and prone. One you lose your zombies sneek back to the corpse.

One you get a gun it's time to go crazy, you are now player hunting. Imagine that everyone would kill you if they had the chance.

You must go through the town looking for signs of life. Sneek up on people and give them some slugs in the head. Repeat this process until you have enough loot.

After 3 deaths of traveling to Cherno getting weapons and killing people I left town and head north with:

Ak 74 with 6 mags.

Alice backpack.

All toolbelt items e.g. Compass knife matches hatchet all that

M1911 with one slot a bandage and all others ammo.

Enfield in my backpack with ammo.

Morphene Epi pen bloodbags.

Food, water.

The list goes on, I'm now back with my mates holding airfield.

PS before diciding to leave Cherno I had killed 8 people accros all 3 lives.

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Lol it's a game! To survive you can't trust anyone, anytime I have they have ended up killing me when they get the chance!

What I do in a game has no influence in my real life.

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Of course you can't trust anyone but that doesn't mean you need to start a bloody massacre! If you want to stay alive, stay away from cities.

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Fail advice. If you do this you will die more often than not.

Maybe one in 20 times this advice will pay off.

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