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Yet another begginer's guide.

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So, if you actually came here for a guide instead of YouTube, that's great! Keep reading. This little guide has all the basics and is adressed to players new to the Standalone, or DayZ entirely. So, let's begin! (If you used to play the mod scroll down)


For the players new to DayZ




DayZ is not a game about killing zombies, or more generraly shooting and killing everything. It is a realistic survival simulator where you can die from hunger or dehydration as easily as from a zombie punch to the face, or a bandit's bullet. In this game you need to be on alert, and always take precautions. Your biggest enemy is not the zombies in DayZ. It is other survivors.




When you first join a server, you only start with a flashlight and a battery. In order to use it, you need to drag the battery on the flashlight. Then right click on the flashlight, and select ''turn on'' (remember this procedure as it is used for many other things). Remember to drag the flashlight from your inverntory to your hotbar below, so you can equip it. If you have equiped it, the light should be to your left. In order to flash the light in front of you, you need to ''raise'' the flashlight. The default key for raising weapons is space ( if you're playing in a daytime-only server or you can only play when it's day in server it's recommended to drop both items since they take some of your inventory space). Ok, so you've sorted out your flashlight and you're probably wondering: where the hell am I?  Well. When you spawn, you are somewhere in that blue area (here's the picture http://johnny-walker-comics.tumblr.com/image/73752308994 ). Unless you are playing on a low populated server it is not recommended to loot Electro or Berezino as there is a high chance of encountering a player, who is likely to kill you. The best tactic is to loot small towns until you find a melee weapon and then run inland A.S.A.P. You can find melee weapons on small tool sheds. They are very common and spawn a melee weapon almost always. The best melee weapon in the current version of the game is the firefighter's axe.


Finding a gun


Your trusty axe may be good against a zombie, but if an armed bandit spots you, it's not gonna help. Unless you take a risk and make your way to balota's airfield ( which is on the left of cherno, close to the shore) and find an m4, you should loot big towns and small cities with low risk in hope of finding a mosin nagant with some ammo. Mosins are found in areas with residential weaponry loot (other items in such areas are : 7.62 mm ammo, m91 bayonet, PU scope and the ATLAS bipod). Once you've found a working gun it's time to move on.


Looting hotspots


Looting small towns will give you enough to help you stay alive, but there won't be any action. No players, no cool guns and modifications, no action. It's time you loot something bigger. ''Hotspots'' are places with high chances of seeing a player, since many people are attracted to that place, mostly because of it's loot. Some hotspots are : Balota, North-East, North-West  Airfield, Chernogorsk, Elektrozavodsk, Berezino and Stary Sobor. North West airfield is the most dangerous of all, since it has the best military loot in the entire map. Looting these places is risky (unless you're playing in a server with 10 people) and must be done with speed, stealth and caution. Here are the three steps of looting a hotspot.


1. Know what you're looking for. You're not in a shopping mall. If you're going to loot balota and all you need is an M4A1 don't search every single room and tent for 30 seconds looking at all the items. Just glance inside to find out whether there is the M4 you're looking for. If you see one take it and leave. If you don't, keep searching.


2. Scout the area. Make sure you're hidden then start searching for players. If you see one you can choose to engage in combat with him, wait until he leaves, or try to make contact with him. If you don't see anyone, proceed to step 3.


3. Stay hidden. Don't just run through the airstrip being more visible than a giant flashing sign! You will be noticed, and if the guy who saw you is a bandit, you're dead. Go around the back of the place you're intersted in. If there's a forest run through behind the cover of trees until you're behind the place. Then quickly go to it's entrance and proceed inside. Repeat when exiting.


4. Be cautious. Even if you're inside a building you're not safe. Someone might be there, or someone might come while you are in there. Make sure you check around corners and remember to always have your gun out.


5. Stay quiet. Avoid using guns to kill a zombie that aggroed on you. If the other guy didn't hear the zombie, then you better not give away your position with a gunshot. Also, avoid running if you see someone or you think someone's there. Try crouching or walking.


6. Be quick. Like mentioned above in step 1 don't take hours to loot the place. Every minute the chance of player coming increases. Be as quick as possible both when approaching, looting and leaving the area. If you're at least 300 meters away from the area, still got all your limbs on and no one on your tail, congratulations! Operation : L00ting was succesful.


Approaching a player


Are you sure that's a player? You sure it's not a zombie or a bot? You are? Ok then, continue reading.

There are numerous ways on making contact with players, from the annoying Kill On Sight to the Are you friendly question.

Everything depends on how you like to play. If you want the guy dead, I suggest waiting for the perfect moment where you have a good shot and he has no where to get cover from you. Dont just pop up and start shooting. Now, if you're friendly, you still need to show power. I suggest you make that dialogue if you see someone :


(If he does not know where you are)

Are you friendly?

If you get no answer he is probably not friendly. Fill his body with bullets.


Are you friendly?


Then put your hands up (F2)

If he refuses warn him that you will shoot him. If he still refuses engage in combat.


If he raised his hands you're good to go. Explain that you're not a bandit your self, and there you go. Succesful apporoach.


(If he saw you)

This situation is harder. If he does what I said above just listen to him and raise your hands. If he hasn't start shooting you he does not want you dead.If he hasn't said anything but starts to shoot, either fight back, or run (or combat log if you're a p*ssy). If he starts shouting FRIENDLY FRIENDLY FRIENDLY he's friendly. If he does not say anything do as I said above.


Well. You've pretty much learnt most about how the game is played. Now I'l be going over important things that must be known about the Standalone.




If you have been playing the Mod, don't think you're ready for standalone yet. There are a lot of things you know, some of them being not that important, some of them being a matter of life and death (literally).


Blood, health, food and water.


The whole system of health and eating is very different from the mod and much more complex. Explaining it here would take a lot of time and space, so I suggest you go and watch these 2 videos which will help you understand how the new system works.


Blood and health -

Food and water -


Bloodbags and saline bags


If you watched the video you probably saw that you can regenerate blood and health by having eaten and drunk alot. But ain't nobody got time for that. You just want a bloodbag to get it over with don't you? Well there are bad news for you. Even blood bagging has gotten realistic. Fisrt of all, there are blood types. If you take blood from a blood type which is incompatible with yours, you will die in 10 seconds. Plus, there aren't any full bloodbags lying around. You can only take blood from other players. One thing you can do is to achieve health regeneration, take some blood of yourself and keep it until you get into a firefight and need it. Note that you need another person to actually tranfer the blood. Now saline bags are indeed found full. They need another person to be administrated. If your blood level is low and you can't see colours, a saline bag will allow to see colours and raise your blood level a little, not as much as a bloodbag though. At least you can't die from these.


Rotten Food


It's lying everywhere. Rotten Kiwis, Rotten Apples, Rotten Oranges and Rotten Bananas. It's prety obvious that you should not eat them. Not only they only restore very few hunger and thirst, but have a 50% chance of food poisoning you. Even if it is pristine, NEVER EVER ever ever

eat a rotten fruit unless you have charcoal tablets which are prety damn rare.


Viewing a map and a compass


Unlike in the mod, you can't open your map or your compass by pressing a hotkey and it will magicaly appear on your screen. You have to equip them (by dragging them onto the hotbar and then chosing them) and go in 1st person mode (map doesn't need 1st person to open, just equip it). Oh and by the way, the books you keep finding everywhere aren't useless. You can actually read them by doing this procedure.


Alright guys that's all I can think of, If you think something should be added PM me or write in the comments and I might add it. Hope it helped you newcomers!





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