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Day Time server

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Ok, so I'm totally new on this forum and that's about it about the introduction part.


Anyways, I need to find a day time server. And it doesn't really have to be daytime 24/7, it really just need to be day time right about now? I've been on a couple of European servers (stupid me since I share timezone with them) and all of them have been night time at this point. And I figured it might actually be easier just to ask some online.


Off topic, I'm a newbie to the standalone (and day z in general tbh) so I count myself as FRIENDLY, and depending on how the game and players online turn out to be, I might even stay that way. I'm like a pink little fluff so might just come clean right now and tell you that I'll be friendly because I'm really bad at these games.


So, day time servers please :) And feel free to redirect me if I'm totally wrong in the forums.


x HachikoOne

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Check server names, they often include timezones (GMT+1 etc.)

Additionally, wait for the next patch, they said they're gonna be including useful stuff (check here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/165709-pending-changelog-experimental-branch-031114343/)


And: Of course you're one of the "good ones" now. But trust me; this game will change the way you look at things. You really need to have a strong personality to stay "good" and I doubt that.

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And: Of course you're one of the "good ones" now. But trust me; this game will change the way you look at things. You really need to have a strong personality to stay "good" and I doubt that.


That was a bit harsh, I'm puppy eyes good! At least I like to believe.


Thank you so much for your help! I never thought about checking timezones in the server name (just went for land code).


Stay good o/ 

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That was a bit harsh, I'm puppy eyes good! At least I like to believe.


Thank you so much for your help! I never thought about checking timezones in the server name (just went for land code).


Stay good o/ 

Well if you think that was harsh, you're not going to believe what this game is going to be.


I hope you'll stay good, honestly. There are way too few of them. I just highly doubt it

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Servers don't show timezones right now.


They do show country codes though. Most European servers go dark around 16:00.


I've seen a Norwegian server which is pretty popular. You can search for it. It's called something with "Norsk".

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Ok, so I'm totally new on this forum and that's about it about the introduction part.


Anyways, I need to find a day time server. And it doesn't really have to be daytime 24/7, it really just need to be day time right about now? I've been on a couple of European servers (stupid me since I share timezone with them) and all of them have been night time at this point. And I figured it might actually be easier just to ask some online.


Off topic, I'm a newbie to the standalone (and day z in general tbh) so I count myself as FRIENDLY, and depending on how the game and players online turn out to be, I might even stay that way. I'm like a pink little fluff so might just come clean right now and tell you that I'll be friendly because I'm really bad at these games.


So, day time servers please :) And feel free to redirect me if I'm totally wrong in the forums.


x HachikoOne


Contrary to the beliefs of my fellow poster it is not hard to stay good. Not if that is your fundamental outlook.


Come find some like-minded souls at the Trusted Medics of the Wasteland:


web: www.tmwdayz.com


teamspeak3: ts.twmdayz.com

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Oh, and regarding the server times. Just server hop until you find a daytime, I've never had trouble finding a daytime EU-based server.

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So many helpers! I really like this. 


I actually found a "friendly" server that I checked out (a bit doubtful) met 5 players and none tried to kill me (!!) I even healed one and got food in return, so I figure there is hope for us all. 


Thanks for helping me out ! If you ever see me ig wave and say hello ;) 



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Here you go EU always daylight hope this helps.  DayZ NL 3-375 IP:

Awesome ! Thank you so much :D

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That was a bit harsh, I'm puppy eyes good! At least I like to believe.



Hahahaha, See you in two weeks going all Jason Voorhees on people..

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It seems that no matter where a server is located, they all use the same time. I was on a server at 12:30 EST and it was dark, but it was located in Chicago. The only time I see daylight is the early morning eastern US time.

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It seems that no matter where a server is located, they all use the same time. I was on a server at 12:30 EST and it was dark, but it was located in Chicago. The only time I see daylight is the early morning eastern US time.


Fear not, I have a US resolution for you as well if daylight is what you are looking for go here  DayZ LA 3-318 IP:

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 Anyways, I need to find a day time server. And it doesn't really have to be daytime 24/7, it really just need to be day time right about now? I've been on a couple of European servers (stupid me since I share timezone with them) and all of them have been night time at this point. And I figured it might actually be easier just to ask some online.


Daylight is a crutch. There are plenty of servers that advertise 24/7 day though.

If you're having problems finding servers in the browser that match your needs, try searching here using keywords:


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Daylight is a crutch. There are plenty of servers that advertise 24/7 day though.

If you're having problems finding servers in the browser that match your needs, try searching here using keywords:



I don't mine playing at night. I do mind playing at night every time I connect to a server in the late morning/afternoon local time.

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