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I just got sick because if over ate and the sever lagged out. I'm currently in balota is there anyway that i can get any thing that can heal me or sould i go to the hospital in kamenka or cherno?

Edited by Figarus

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You will stop being sick yourself. You just need to move slowly, AKA jogging instead or running. Eat some charcoal tab's and drink some vitamins if you have those. If not I strongly suggest you to get to a hospital and find those things.

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You can wait it out. It will take a while, but you will get healthy eventually.

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Food Sickness Cure: (Minor issue)

  • Drink water and eat food (preferably eat 40% of rice or 80% of cereal then full stomach with water) to obtain healing/healthy status or close to it.
  • Do not Sprint (ie x2 W key movement) keep at a jog or my preference WALK.
  • Every 15 minutes take a Vitamin pill and a charcoal tab (if you are not sick anymore dont take a charcoal tab it will make you sick again.)

Chemical Sickness Cure: (medium issue that can cause death if not treated)

  • Drink water and eat food (preferably eat 40% of rice or 80% of cereal then full stomach with water) to obtain healing/healthy status or close to it.
  • Do not Sprint (ie x2 W key movement) keep at a jog or my preference WALK.
  • Every 15 minutes consume a portion of an Injection Vial
  • **BOnus* Saline bags will further your Purge of chemical sickness

Infection Sickness Cure: (Urgent issue that can definitely cause you death) [Received by zombie attacks, gunshots, broken bones]

  • Cure initial issues (bleeding, shock, broken bones etc)
  • Find Alcoholic Tenure and apply to your wounds every 10 minutes until bottle is empty
  • Fine Tenzolorite Antibiotics and Consume every 15 minutes until package is empty
  • **IMPORTANT**  Drink water and eat food (preferably eat 40% of rice or 80% of cereal then full stomach with water) to obtain healing/healthy status or close to it. DO NOT OVER EAT OR YOU WILL HAVE TO START ALL OVER.

Blood Borne Sickness: [Received by injecting in-compatible bood types into people]

  • There is no cure for this, you will die pay attention to blood types.

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