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Storage/Tents And means of such.

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I'm tired that the only way to store loot/supplies is to capture slaves to hold them for you while your offline. Good luck with that. I miss Tents and such. Things i know that will be added In due time. But that Is not my issue. My friends And I have a habit to clear out larger settlements like Cherno and Elektro then make them our base as zombies doesn't re-spawn instantly like in the mod. That's good by the way. Still If we want to store things for trade and such It looks weird to pitch allot of tents inside a house. Or even in the open street.  


So I recommend a alternative storage for people that wish to create some kind of civilization. We already got people that guard and come and go to trade and seek refuge. And a system to store things will come sooner or later. I see no hard why adding something like Storage boxes or crates would be a problem. Something that could be moved quite easily but still Stayed on the server after Restart like the tents did. With easy to move I mean you would not have to pitch them. They should take up a large amount of slots in your inventory or even be so big that you have to carry them in your hand. So transporting them takes time and is dangerous without allot of players. This would add possibility for trade caravans/convoys, Shopkeepers and such.


I know that allot of people just want survival/guns/ammo and zombies. Well they still get that. I do not see how this interfere with them. I'm not talking about safe zones or such. Just saying that thus that feel like taking a risk and making towns/settlements or trade outposts for people. Should have the option to. We already managed to make Elektro quite safe and held it from bandits and all sorts of maniacs. 


If anyone got a better idea, Or see a big problem that i perhaps have missed. Then go ahead and explain. But In my current state I do not see how this would affect players that just wish to do what they did in the old Dayz Mod. And still give people like me something more to go for. A bit of end game meaning if i dare to call It such. As going around, gathering guns/food and stuff get's boring fast. And as I am not bandit I walk the hero path. I tried this past weeks with my friends to keep Elektro safe and It has gone quite well. This Storage thing would add better trade. Perhaps more fun attempts from bandits to raid us. And give my troops a place where they know food and water will exist. As for now we got to send Scavenge groups out almost every hour. I know, that's fine. We want to do that. But as they got to carry all food and such around all the time. It makes it tiring sorting it all out every hour. 


I doubt we are the only one's that attempted something like this. And that would wish for the same thing. I'm not saying Storage has to be available now!!!  I just want my idea to be out there so the chance that the developers might add it. I do not want to pitch 10 tents inside the Fire stations just to have storage. We already got Protector cases. They are close to what I'm asking for. Just larger and that they stay on the server after restart.   Thank you for reading this far and feel happy to write your thoughts on this. Bad or good. Give me both.

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I have no problem with your suggestion, as long as they are entirely in the DayZ world and is not priviledged like the Global Inventory of that other zombie game that shall not be mentioned.


I want to be able to sneak in and steal your stuff, or at least have the opportunity to do so.


This would add a lot to the DayZ game other than what is readily apparent.

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Storage is definitely needed, and more than just tents. I suggesting something like the crates at one point.

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