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Suggestion ~ Interactable reeds

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So picture this, you've been running for hours, searching for a pond to drink from. They've implemented more zombies, but it became self aware, and they are out of control, to many to handle. Towns aren't safe.

You finally hear the heavenly slosh of water beneath your feet. Kneeling down, you take a sip. A reed sticking out of the water a half inch catches your eye. Right as you turn your head to see what's there, the reed explodes out of the water, the sound of "Whooopwhooppwhooopwhoopwhooop" fills the air, and you get shot in the face.

I propose we be able to snap reeds surrounding the water, and use them as a breathing apparatus. Bring danger back to the woods. Sure, some yuppie would piss his pants from the sudden shock, bit I'm sure many will agree, it's worth it. Your clothes will take water damage, and you might get the sniffles, the potential rewards far outweigh the risk.

Also, the Zoidberg sounds somehow added in would be great, thanks.

Edited by Ineedscoffee

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I can already see it with my imagination. Some bambies come to take a drink from pond near Solnichniy...






I think you can already breath underwater if you go prone in ponds...at least this was possible in mod.

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I can already see it with my imagination. Some bambies come to take a drink from pond near Solnichniy...







I think you can already breath underwater if you go prone in ponds...at least this was possible in this is exactly what I had in mind lol

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