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Recruiting new players

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Hello guys, I am apart of a big clan that has many different divisions in many different games, I'd like to welcome new players to the clan and help me rise up against the bandits! If you would like to check out our website:Here


We are a friendly community, On DayZ we will pair up and conquer anyone that stands in the way of our forces shall be delt with force and anyone that joins us must join the division to or they are not trustworthy, We are trying to keep it safe and remove the middleman of being shot in the back by a "Teammate" we try to keep everyone safe, We protect our own so for your saftey and ours, Come join the forces of zG and we can conquer over the land


If you would like to contact me for more information on how to join the DayZ division here is my contact info:

Skype: Nightshadepvpus

Steam: screm111/lpvertex

Edited by screm11
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