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Profile bugged cant change name PLAYER 1

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Ok I've played ARMA enough now and understand how the set up works and probably 90 % of the in game mechanics.

My character was initially named after my PC. After attempting to create a new character I suddenly got stuck with PLAYER 1 as a name.

My issue is that when I go to the screen where profile is and select it, doesn't show any characters listed. If I go to edit it shows PLAYER 1 as name. When I attempt to select this box I can't. I can change name appearance voice add URL tag but the character name wont select. I've tried to do this in ARMA 2 ARMA 2 Arrowhead and ARMA 2 CO none these allow me access to the name. I've even renamed my computer and re installed the game with no luck.

I've tried to rename the profiles in every folder with no success. Anyone have any other ideas what to try?



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create a new profile. just ingore the player profile. thats what i did

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Creating a new one makes another PLAYER 1. THe name feild is locked and cant be changed. When I go into Edit Profile there are no names listed either.

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I just bought Arma2 AO and downloaded DayZ and have the same exact issue. I can*t edit my existing profile, and I can't create a new one either. So I'm stuck to the name "Player01" as well. I have tried creating a profile when the game is started from Steam, or from SixLauncher, nothing works.

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Also having this problem

I ran Arma 2 without Dayz and tried to create/edit my character (caveman) got stuck with the name PLAYER 1 and now its defaulted my name back to my PC name.

I went Multiplayer and joined some TS servers to see if anyone else might know something and all they had to say was remove your Dayz "everything". Which I didn't understand really but I did just that...Removed Dayz "Everything" and I was still stuck with this problem

Many cudos to whomever could help with this issue

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