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Got stuck in a rock, What do I do ?

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Is there ANY way to kill myself ?

I have nothing in my inventory that can kill me.


And no, don't tell me to starve cause I'm 100% food ... 

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Sprint and vault trough the rock ? If this fails, wait until you die.

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I was once cought in a school building (I think it's a school building ...) piece of wall. I sprinted, went prone (while sprinting), got up again, "fencejumped" like mad and eventually I glitched back out of that piece of geometry. 

Perhaps that will work on a rock too.

Edited by damagefilter

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If none of this works then get into the game, alt-tab out and do something else while you wait to starve.

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Make sweet love to the rock and then tell it let you free if it loves you, it works with females.

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More than once I have been trapped in houses.  As others have said, sprinting and position changes are the key.  THrow yourself on the ground and jump.

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I was once cought in a school building (I think it's a school building ...) piece of wall. I sprinted, went prone (while sprinting), got up again, "fencejumped" like mad and eventually I glitched back out of that piece of geometry. 

Perhaps that will work on a rock too.

Same thing happened to me. Took about five minutes of random running and vaulting at walls to get out.You'll die of thirst before you die of hunger anyway so if you sprint a lot then you'll get more thirsty more quickly.


Or get a buddy to come shoot you in the face to put you out your misery.


You could also always wait for natural erosion to occur. I'd say that if it's granite you only have a few thousand years to wait as long as there's a strong wind or it's on the coast.

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What does help sometimes if sprinting, vaulting etc. fails (happend to me twice: In the wall between two houses. No chance to vault, crouch or sprint out...10-15 minutes of trying but nothing did help, until I tried this:


Vaultjump and exit the server while in vault animation, then join again.


I dont really know why (maybe calculating your position changes because of it?) but after 3 or 4 tries (you have to hit the right moment I guess) you should be free again :)

Edited by LaughingJack

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It's a geometry issue. Do as LaughingJack said and you should get out asap.

And I know it sounds odd, but move upwards.


And kids remember: Don't log out if you are near to a wall in an upper floor, otherwise you might fall to ground level after logging in the next time.

Edited by elLoCo

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Pressing V alot while trying to run might free you or cause a glitch where you fall off the mountain and die. I had to do it once. It takes a while but worked for me.

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I got stuck in a rock once too..




I couldn´t even move my mouse around - switched servers - used proning / jumping and crashed into the little cliff in front of me which broke my legs - relogged and was alright.


//sry for bad quality - i pimped the vibrance / saturation in this pic cause i was mad low on blood at that point.

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