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So anyone wanna group up?

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Well im new. just like my other post shows. and im looking to group up. running around solo is fun and all and my friend dosent play as much.

so yeah


i dont have any regular hours, got alot of free time on my hands wich means alot of gaming to be done!

im situated in europe but i play well in to the night or morning or will be atleast.

oh and language wise its either english or swedish anything else and that might be a problem lol


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well i dont know if you are iinterested but check us out http://factionz.vigilantaddiction.com/forum/. We run a dayz mod epoch on namalks right now. We will be starting saturday, we are on the CST time zone but there are pople playing most all the time. we would love to have you if you have more question just hit me up

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we play sa, www.teamliveaction.com

Tried finding the server your on but no luck


Update, ah Never mind i found it added the adress manually. and from where im sitting its show a 300-400ping so not an alternative for me im afriad.

Edited by Happy-

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