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[Sugestion] Silent eating

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Why don't we give players a option to eat there food silently, the bad thing about this is that it takes longer to eat the food.


It is just that I don't want to eat in Cherno and when I eat everyone in a 100 mile raidius gets exact cords in the area I am eating, I mean the eating sound is quite loud.


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It is pretty loud. I can't imagine myself making sounds like that unless I was chewing big bites with my mouth open and food falling all over the place and everything.

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Make it quieter but not silent. And it's your own fault for eating like a slob in a high traffic area, fatty

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The devs have said many times that they're done exactly zero work on the sounds in game. The noise from eating will be rebalanced many times before the game is released. However, I think audio cues are an important gameplay component and I don't think there should be an option to do much of anything without making some sort of noise.

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The eating can be quite loud, but there is an inherent strategy in deciding when and where to eat. I'd be a stupid decision to eat when you're within potential earshot of another player in highly-contested areas, regardless of how loud the sound effect is due to the amount of time it currently takes to eat.


Always stuff your face before you go infiltrating airfields.

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Also only eat after you've checked your surroundings, and make sure you have cover at your back

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It would be nice if was a bit quieter...say 15m you could hear?

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