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What to do now?

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Well i was looting at Balota Airfield in one of the buildings but then i bugged onto the roof.... i had no choice to get down there except jumping from it and now my legs/bones are broken.


How/Where do i get some medecine for it? And i dont wanna crawl all my way to Cherno or another big city with a hospital.... does i have a chance to find some at the airfield at the jail?

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Thanks for the quick reply.



It's what we do :)

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Ooooook i know dayz is still in alpha... but i just relogged and i can walk? And my legs arent broken anymore? Really i dont know what i should say :D

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Listen, when you find sticks, grab them. See if you can find a shirt too. Transform the shirt into rags, and then combine the rags with the wooden sticks. You'll create a splint that can remove the broken legs status.

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Time heals all wounds? not really though.

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Listen, when you find sticks, grab them. See if you can find a shirt too. Transform the shirt into rags, and then combine the rags with the wooden sticks. You'll create a splint that can remove the broken legs status.


Yea i know but find some ;) i have always some rags in my bag but i have never found a stick....



Time heals all wounds? not really though.


But it really does cO

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