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Jeremy R

[16+] Looking to make Squad/Group for Epoch Panthera. [UK]

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Hello guys :)


I'm looking to make a clan/squad to play Epoch with, I'm currently on Panthera but I honestly don't mind playing any other map or mod.

I also play the DayZ Standalone so the clan will also be based in there to, I currently don't have a name for the clan so I'm open to suggestions.

People looking to join must be 16+, be mature but know how to have a laugh and some good banter. Must speak English! And have good knowledge of the game.

Also I'm looking for someone who is great with the modular building system in Epoch and has a creative mind when it comes to making a base we can call home.

Best way to contact me is through Skype, but I also use Steam and TeamSpeak 3.


Skype: [email protected]

Steam: halfnatural

TeamSpeak: Disturbedrevolutiongaming.teamspeak3.com


I look forward to hearing back from you guys :D


Jeremy R. <3

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Hey Jeremy, the community I play with currently have a new Epoch Chernarus server, and new servers with different maps are on the way. We also all play DayZ SA, and have a public hive vanilla server too. We are a mature community of enthusiastic gamers, and all of our servers have active admins.


When it comes to the base building, like I said the server is new, so groups are just starting to form up and people are still building their bases (which we have an indestructible script for, along with a few others). I'm sure you would find decent teammates among the players currently on the server. 


Feel free to come and join us on gamingrepublic.co.uk, we also have a TeamSpeak 3 server, details can be found on the website.

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