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Pumpkin soup?!?!

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So i was thinking that there is a abundance of pumpkin patches in Chernarus.


So when Chernarus gives you pumpkins, make pumpkin soup? 


I thought that with the adding of cooking and other food related updates, adding the ability to make pumpkin soup would be a pretty cool idea. It opens up a lot more options to use the cooking pot and portable gas stove.


A few ideas about pumpkin soup would be:


1. You would need to harvest the pumpkins and slice them up with a knife or similar sharp object. (Unless taking to it with a baseball bat is... Your kind of thing.) 


2. All you need it a bottle of water and the sliced pumpkin, put it in a cooking pot and leave it to cook for a short time and BAM, pumpkin soup. (Maybe some powered milk or if other vegetables like onions get added could be mixed in to make a more traditional pumpkin soup, but just pumpkins in water would suffice.)


3. Pumpkin soup can be then drunk all in one sitting or then put into a empty canteens for later


4. Pumpkin soup can quench your thirst and also hunger, which makes taking the time to make pumpkin soup a huge benefit.  


Good idea?, or not so bright?, i would love to hear what others think of this idea. As i would love to see this added down the track. 








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That would be epic, or even better, allow a player to carve a emblem/face into a pumkin and put a torch inside it to act as a Jack o' lantern!!!!

Great thread dude! so much room for activities :P

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Awesome Idea, Gotta have me some pumpkin soup for dem cold lonely nights.


I too would love to see this idea implemented, Not to mention that pumpkin soup makes awesome bandit bait....well that's what I heard anyway.



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Great food for around the campfire.

Hungry survivors from all around hear you're soup bubbling and your fire flicking.

They sit on down for a feed instead of shooting you.

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Great food for around the campfire.

Hungry survivors from all around hear you're soup bubbling and your fire flicking.

They sit on down for a feed instead of shooting you.





Prigorodky is where the first batch of this fine orange liquid was found.


The rumor is that every midnight the Prigorody pumpkin seeds show themselves, and you then have and small 2 minute window to pick these rare seeds.


That is all of  the rumor I know, How do I know this you ask,,, well a small Asian man told me as we ate a very well made pumpkin pie.

Edited by uncleBu11y

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Well i'm for all cooking related progresses, so yes!

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