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Buying Arma II and OA Separately?

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This section - New Player Discussion - appears to have some similar topics to this, ie Game setup and issues.

I was an arse.

Just want to get that straight. As opposed to buying the Combined Operations bundle, containing both Arma II and Operation Arrowhead, I bought the two games from steam separately - will this matter when setting up DayZ? I have bought this combination of games both for myself and my friend, spending in total about £60 and I'm just a little concerned this might go to waste!

Thanks, sorry if this is in the wrong section, I umm'd and arr'd over where to post this.


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It will work fine' date=' no need to worry.

I hope you enjoy DayZ as much as i do.


Few! Put my worries to rest! :) And I'm sure that I will - I've watched a couple of videos and it looks absolutely fantastic!


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You are not the only arse so rest easy as I did the same as you and had the same fears... Id intially just bought Arma2 thinking that was all i needed.

Anyway turns out once you install both games you launch Operation Arrowhead in steam and it gives you the choice to launch Combined Ops so alls well.

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