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A suggestion for ZombieShark!!!

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Now bear with me here:

The waters off the coast are far to friendly to move around in. With the islands and shipwreck being possible destinations, we should have measures in place to keep you on your toes. Those of us inland have the threat of players and zombies when looting/scavenging.

This is where the ZombieShark comes into play.

Once a peaceful man eater, the zombie shark bit off more then it could chew, when a shipwrecked zombie bit back. Our benevolent shark, let's call him......Bruce, had just sworn off fish from his diet, finding them friends, not food. Sticking mainly to people, the accepted spam of his peers, he saw a slow moving nosh floating near the shipwreck. As he took the torso down in a single bite, he noticed a slight sting on his nose. Typical of humans, to fight back in the face of hopelessness, his shrugged it off, and finished his snack.

The next few days proved difficult for Bruce, as he began to rot from the inside. Eventually, his mind slipped, and he ate everything that came across his path.......

Imagine yourself, out in the water, puffy jacket in sight, then your screen coloring fades as your bumped slightly underwater. You try to swim away, but cannot, your legs missing son!!! Turning the camera, the last thing you see is the all consuming black orbs of Bruce's eyes.......which grow larger and larger, leading into the message "you are dead".

The occasional floating backpack, leftovers of Bruce's last meal, would also be a fun idea!


Edited by Ineedscoffee
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I like the idea. The zombie virus in order to take over the world, must be very prone to mutation, adaptive, and use weird things to infect humans.

ZV could be zoonotic, and a mutation can make a strain that infects sharks.

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Zombie seagulls! Dear god the horror. When tiny chunks of your flesh become the crackers......each of us, ingesting Alkaseltzor to fight back.....

Edited by Ineedscoffee
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Zombie sharks would solve problem of people being teleported by hackers into the middle of ocean...

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Zombie sharks would solve problem of people being teleported by hackers into the middle of ocean...

Lol god the terror......nothing but dark water underneath you....I can almost hear people saying "no, nooo, I said noooooooo" as they try to out swim it.

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Zombie sharks would solve problem of people being teleported by hackers into the middle of ocean...

Flawed thinking or perhaps trolling/sarcastic? How would it fix it? It wouldn't. It would just mean ppl would be eaten by sharks when they get teleported. Which afaik doesn't happen in SA anyway.

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Dude, no one swims anyway since the swimming is sooo friggin slooooooooow.

Well, I do see plenty of posts complaining about oceanic travel via hacking. Who's to say Dean won't add in more seaborn destinations? We already have a nice sized isle that takes a good moment to reach.

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I dunno, where do we draw the line? Zombie cows? Zombie WABBITS?



Once we have our Monty Python bunny, I'll consider it square :p

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Great Idea, I was inspired and went to google to look for some pictures.... The internet is a strange place..


also this image is from http://www.c-simmons.com/doodleblog/?p=58

Credit where credits due

This is a soviet timeline, I don't see why scientific warfare such as this wouldn't be around. Perfectly possible for abominations to make an appearance.

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Would like to see zombie centipede.

Kill the zombie centipede and gut the last zombie and it will have "digested poo" in it.

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Wasn't there something about seals back in the day when "Cangate" gripped hold of the community.


But unfortunately Rocket came out in protest and so they where never implemented, quite a shame really.


Sorry mods for reposting these pic's, but they seemed quite fitting with the topic at hand.

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