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UK 87 Mischief

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This server went down (off the server list anyway) and when it came back up are vehicles were gone and rare items from our tents were gone. I found one of our M24's lying on the ground when I logged in (as soon as the server went up).

Is it possible the Admin can take the server off the list and do this? I'll say that the vehicles we had were mainly stolen(?) as we found a lot of them in bushes a few K from our base which would be a motive.

If it is possible then all we plan to do is switch server. It would be hard to get evidence of this being done.

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Two days ago same thing with wehicles not being there happend on UK87.

And just now, first my brothers character was took over by AI (or?) and he shot me down, following with aim as i was running!!!!! My brother was sitting right next to me and he lost control of his sharacter, commands not responding!

Five minutes later, all players on server simultanously died!

I noticed red AI survivor on players list?

Hacked server? Bad admin?

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I just watched a stream (lirikk & giantwaffle(?) on twitch) where a cheater took control of their characters. They changed servers and names, not revealing the info to the stream, and yet they were both taken over again.

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Was it also on uk87?

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