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hands free drinking and powerdered drink mixes.

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as a rare item spawn, I would like to see a hands free hydration system such as the camelbak, that allows its use without emptying your hands or tying your character up with a canned animation. up to you if there is a lot of noise when drinking. I couldn't care less in that regard.


I would also like to see and use water admixtures (which look to be already setup but not functioning) to offer their combined output


an example of this is adding powdered milk to a water bottle to get something not quite as thirst quenching as water but with a high energy output(milk :) ).

this could be done with other just add water drink mixes like ice tea powder, or powered meal supplements.


the advantages to players in the example of milk: the combination would be faster to drink then consuming them separately while still giving you the same end effect and saving on inventory space.

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I like the idea of a camelback :P

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I don't know a lot about this, but a camelback is something you wear on your back, right? Wouldn't that make it impossible to also wear a backpack?

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Korsbaek, there are lots of different versions of this out there, and what they all amount to is a water bladder with a tube that you suck on like a to straw to draw water from the bag. some come with backpack like harness but you can throw it in a backpack like anything else. heck, If the devs wanted to get creative i'm sure you could easily MacGyver one out of a blood bag kit. but to directly answer your question I'm suggesting it be similar to current water bottles and just take-up a couple slots in your inventory. except using it would be hands free allowing you to keep your weapon in hand and still move around.

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I don't know a lot about this, but a camelback is something you wear on your back, right? Wouldn't that make it impossible to also wear a backpack?

My hiking backpack has a built in one. Like Commanderbash said, it's really just a bag holding water, that your backpack either has a small compartment for, just behind your back, or you stuff it in the bottom like everything else.


The backpacks that are designed for them, then have a fixture for the tube, hear your shoulder, so when you wish to drink, you simply turn your head, bite to open the vent, and suck.



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